Under Pressure

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This chapter is dedicated to @Beatles_queen_girl

December 12,1996

I was sitting in the library during my free block. I had so many things to do I needed somewhere quiet to calm down. I had so many exams, a concert band, and choir concert tonight. My piano recital from a few months ago was rescheduled so I had that tommarro.

I was abundantly stressed and ready for a break. The librarian, Ms.Valentine, asked me for my help with putting books away which I gladly accepted. I loved books and such so this was somewhat relaxing.

I was carrying about 8 books to take around the corner when I I bumped into someone. The books fell everywhere and I immediately dropped to the ground to pick them up.

" Oh my god I'm so sorry here let me help you" a girls voice said.

I looked up and it was a girl about my age maybe a bit older. She was short with Long brown hair and green eyes. She seemed nice unlike almost everyone else here.

" no,No its fine I'm uh Hazel" I stuck my hand out as my immediate reaction.

" Emma..say I haven't seen you around here before how old are ya"

"14 getting ready to be 15 in a few months"

" Ahh a 9th grader I'm in 11th grade I'm 16 getting ready to be 17"

She was pretty nice as I had thought.

" so why don't we head to a table and you can continue to tell me about yourself"

" Alright!" I said it a bit more enthusiastically than I shoud have but there was a chance of having a third friend in this hell hole.

We began talking and had quite a few common interests. There was one question I was dying to ask but that's because no one else could give me a answer. I mean I've given a answer to what it means and I've heard a answer from a long time ago but I was still confused about it.

" can I ask you a question Emma" I asked making her sit up a bit more.

" yeah of course what is it" I started getting nervous which I had no idea why.

" well I've been in love before but not in a romantic sort of way but with a bond with someone it was very strong and I'm still in love with them although their gone the thing is there's this person and every time I see him my heart races but at the moment we hate each other..he's way older than me but I can't help it"

My question was confusing. Hell it confused me but then again everything was confusing at the moment.

" well age is only a number I've found but about hating each other at the moment is my wonder why" she asked me this so quickly I made it so it wouldn't be obvious on who it was.

" well I went to kiss his cheek and I ended up kissing him on the lips after that I quickly ran out the next day I ignored him and he got super mad at me and since then it's just been awkward and horrible" I let my head fall on the table so upset and confused it hurt.

I felt a arm lay on my back and I knew it was Emma.

"Calm down everything is okay but by the sounds of it you like him alot and the way he acted he might like you so I would stay confident and clear things up"

It was that day I realized what I was feeling and what was happening. I knew it couldn't happen over legal and age circumstances but I wanted it too. I would have to go through and clear everything up. It would take effort and alot of tears but I knew it had to be done.

That day I realized I was in love with my music teacher.

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