See What a Fool I've Been

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This chapter is dedicated to annyshinx


I honestly couldn't be any more embarrassed. I cried and told Mr.Augustine everything. I cried into the man's shoulder for Christ sakes. I needed to get my feelings off my chest yesterday but I didn't take into account of who I was talking to.

Today hopefully would be a better day. Mr.Augustine tried his best to talk to me through the day if he would see me but I ignored him. I felt like I couldn't face him. At least not now. I knew I would see him at the end of the day so I mentally prepared myself all day.

Jessie was at school today so it wasn't that bad. The second half of the year though was gonna be hard since we didn't have the same classes together. Mr.Augustine couldn't get the change to the advanced band class this semester so next semester I would have Advanced band.

Currently I was in English and I was listening to the teacher talk about our project.

"Besides research on the celebrity of your choice you will also have partners" everyone cheered after Mrs.Vick said that and I gave Jessie a high five.

After we quieted down Mrs.Vick continued talking.

" now, now before you all get too excited I've picked you partners for you" oh great

She had called out a little over half the class and still hadn't called me yet

"...Eric and Michelle...Jessie and Carson...and let's see Anny and...Hazel"

I hadn't met Anny but I knew who she was. She was pretty quiet and I had only heard her talk when the teacher called on her. I did know that she had a German accent and that's really about it

I looked over at Anny as looked over at me. I awkwardly waved and she did the same. I smiled making her smile before looking away.

"Alright find your partners and get to know them if you don't already you have the rest of the class to decide who you want to research"

Mrs.Vick sat down at her desk and everyone got up. I walked over to Anny who sat in the front and sat down.

" Hi I'm Anny of course" she said in her German accent that could make a guy swoon.

"Hazel" I stuck my hand out and she shook it.

" well um who do you want to do the project on" Anny asked before pulling out her notebook.

" do you like music " I asked to which she shook her head yes.

"What kind of bands"

She thought for a second before telling me.

" well I like Queen but my favorite member is Freddie"

She must not know who I am.

"Great will do our Project on him" Oh what a dred.

I continued to get to know Anny and talk more about our project. Good thing is I knew I couldn't get anything wrong in my project. Only just heart ache.

Later that day

Ugh! I don't want to go to band. I mentally cursed myself as I trudged down to Mr.Augustines room. Now I'm sure by now you must be thinking "Oh why are you dreading his class so much all you did was cry"

Firstly I hate revealing my feelings. I absolutely hate it to be Honest. The thing is I went to go say thank you and I'm sorry to him when I ran into a bit of a problem.

I turned to kiss his cheek as it was a family thing and road thing. Every time we said goodbye to one another with everyone in security,Road crew, and the band we kissed each others cheek before leaving.

Now again it doesn't sound bad but Jake..I mean Mr.Augustine moved his head. I'm sure you get the idea what happened. Now don't get me wrong he's a great kisser and I've known him for years but definitely not appropriate. I know I'm a bit of a goody-goody.

I walked into the class and all eyes laid of me. Mr.Augustine looked up from his music on his podium and looked at me. I couldn't tell what he meant by his eyes but I couldn't read his emotions to tell.

"Hazel your late here's your office referral"

Oh you got to be kidding me...

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