Bring back that Leroy Brown

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Rinnggg!!!! Rinnggg!!

I woke up in the middle of the night to the phone down stairs ringing. I rolled over groaning at the thought of getting up. I knew no one else would get it leaving it to me too.

I hurriedly got up and went downstairs. I picked up the phone so tired I almost couldn't pick it up

"Hello" I spoke into the phone sounding very groggy from being woke up in the middle of the night.

"Hello beautiful it's Jake I just got a call from one of the directors of the competition and we have to be there at 7:45 now so I need you to be at the school at 5" whyyy.

"Alright ughh...okay I'll call Phoebe since mom and dad weren't gonna take me" I pressed my fingers at the bridge of my nose not ready to wake up so early.

" I'm sorry babe ill see you at 5"

"See you at 5" from that we hung up.

I heard a footstep from behind me and jumped. I turned around to see mom.

" oh god you scared me" I whispered trying not to wake anyone up.

" Who was that" she asked very suspicious of the midnight call.

" oh it was j-Mr.Augustine the competition director called and changed my time I was supposed to go on so I have to be at school by 5 and preform at 7:45"

She nodded but still was suspicious.

" alright just call Phoebe since he said he was gonna take you before he left for the airport"

" okay"

After a quick call to Phoebe I went off to bed somewhat prepared for tommarro

Next morning

"I'll see you soon Hazel don't cry remember once you make it as a star I'll be your assistant and I'll live with you too" Phoebe told me making me Crack a smile through my tears.

" alright but I'm holding that to you" I told him pouting just a bit.

" oh don't do that give your uncle Phoebe a hug" I reached across and gave him a hug.

It would be a long while before I saw Phoebe again. The next time I would see Phoebe would be March 3rd,2000 on my 18th birthday under difficult circumstances.

" Goodbye Phoebe" I told him as he wiped my face.

" Goodbye Hazy"

I got out of the car with my fringe, cross body, brown bag strapped across me. I shut the door and waved goodbye. The black car leaving the parking lot and fading into the distance. A single tear drop fell from my eye and onto the ground.

" bye" I whispered before walking up the outside stairs to the music room.

I grabbed the door handle and opened it. I walked into the dark band room turning in the light.

" hello" I called out into the seeming vacant band room.

Before my brain could realize what was happening I was scooped into the air then spun around.

"Ahhhh" I squealed before I was set on the ground very dizzy.

I was holding on to the person that I found to be Jake.

"You cheeky thing" I slurred still dizzy from being spun around.

" Goodmorning" He said with a chipper voice and still cheeky smile.

My vision had cleared up and I was more aware of my surroundings.

"Well aren't you just overly happy this morning" I was a morning person as I never slept well after Freddie's death but this morning I was exhausted.

After getting everything together we headed out to his Volkswagen beetle. We put everything we would need in the back then we're on our way on to the competition.

Oh how nervous I was....


I sat upon my cloud watching Hazel lean her head on Jakes shoulder amd him wrap his arm around her. Being I was obviously very protective over her I didn't like that at all. Was I happy that she was happy with him? Yes I was. Did I care about his age? Maybe alittle. Did I wanna watch them be all lovey dovey? No not really.

"Hey Freddie how are you on this fine day" I turned to see Dennis Wilson from The Beach Boys and Keith Moon from The Who.

They usually never came and talked to me. Then again we were in Musicans heaven and you eventually have to start talking. It was a honor to meet them both so don't get me wrong it was nice for them to come talk.

"Oh hey Keith, Dennis I'm okay just watching over Hazel" I sighed missing the girl I loved so, so much.

" oooo what is she doing " Keith peered into the cloud but I resulted into pushing him away.

He was always so hyper. You could hear him from many clouds away. He looked the way he did though in the 60s as well as Dennis. Angels get to decide what time in their life they want to look like so they decided on their younger days.

I decided to look like liv aid in 1985 me. It was my some what prime time a bit. I looked like me before I was sick.

" ooo she's got a older feller" Keith said plopping down right beside me as well as Dennis.

I sighed again" yes..I don't mind it having to watch her was a chore since there being all lovey"

We continued to talk about the people we watch over. Dennis watched over this girl named Ryam and Keith watched over a boy about 14 or 15 named Zeppelin. Both of them acted exactly like Dennis and Keith. It funny yet frightening in the same aspect.

"Freddie what's supposed to happen to Hazel" keith asked.

I got very uncomfortable with this question. I couldn't yet Handel it. To know what was supposed to happen to my Hazel nade me wanna cry.


Hey guys,

I don't think this chapter was great at all. I was hoping it would turn out better but it didn't. The next chapter I have planned out Wayyy better so I feel that one is gonna be great. Anyways Peace and Love-HL

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