Too Much love will kill you

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"Yes Love"

I shut the door and walked over to him. He looked the way he did back at Wembley. I ran my hands across his face and he grinned.

"Haven't changed much Hazy have ya?" He asked and I felt tears of happiness and sadness prick my eyes.

"God it is you but..your gone" he nodded and just sighed.

"Yes but I'm here have you been Hazel" he asked me pushing the hair out of my face studying me.

I looked down at the ground "Well...since you left not so good it has been looking up with Noel and all"

I continued to talk to him till he had to leave.

"No don't" I cried hoping he could stay.

"I can't Hazel I have to go I love you and if ever need someone to talk to just look up to the sky goodbye Hazel"

Freddie gave me a long hug before disappearing. His scent filled the room once again and even my clothes I had on. I left the room to go change and the scent was through the whole house yet again.

As I returned back downstairs Noel had his eyes closed. I sat down carefully trying not to wake him but failing.

" hey" He said sleepily sitting up "what took soo long" he asked.

"Sorry I was looking for something"

He didn't say anything else but just nodded and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you Noel"

"I love you too Hazy"

Noel fell asleep and I stayed wide awake thinking about Freddie. I couldn't believe what had happened. I saw him after all those years. I could have finally gone crazy but firmly believed I had seen him.

I looked out the window and saw a shooting star go across the sky. I smiled thinking of Freddie back in '85 or '86 when we camped outside in the yard. I thought off all the times with Freddie. It amazed me what had happened in all these years. I was 27 years old Married, had two kids, and was part of one of the biggest bands in the world beside Queen and Oasis.

The television flickered pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked at it as it said breaking news across it. My heart stopped once I read the bottom.

Mellifluous band died in plane crash.

The phone rang and I picked it up immediately shaking Noel awake. Phoebe explained what happened and broke down in tears. My band mates and their families were flying in from New York from a trip and the plane crashed. I didn't go because of Noel. I'm the only one to have made it.

Years later: 2015

"Happy birthday Babe" Noel whispered in my ear.

I rolled over smiling at him.

"Morning" I then kissed his lips.

Years had passed and I didn't tour anymore. Noel did with his new project 'Noel Gallagher's High flying birds" which were amazing. I stopped after 2009 and became a model.

I never saw Freddie again after that night in 2009 and I also never got into touch with my family ever again. I did however meet a girl named Lola Taylor. She looked like a split image of me when I was younger.

I also had Three more kids one which were twins. It was wierd because one looked like Noel and finally one kid looked like me. One was named Noel after Noel obviously and the other Noelle. The other was named William and he was the baby. Noel and I never noticed we pretty much named him after Liam since his actual name was William.

    I had also stayed out of the public eye alot because I didn't like the media making me out to be someone I'm not. The closest the world got to seeing me was in Noel's instagram when we would take selfie's.

It was wierd thinking about how much things had changed since I was a kid.

"You okay Love?" Noel asked me .

"Yeah I'm fine just thinking" I smiled to show him I was okay.

We laid there for forever and knew my life was now as perfect as it was ever going to get.

I thought about all the times with Freddie, my dad, and the band. All the times at the garden lodge with Uncle Freddie, Joe, Jim, and Phoebe. All the times I laughed, cried, and sometimes argued with them although we would always make up.

I knew I loved Noel but not in the way I loved Freddie. It was different. That love I shared with Freddie and everyone else in the garden lodge could never be replaced. It ,however, died. As Freddie said himself : Too much love will kill you.

That it did.


I watched as she was finally happy with life and then something happened. She finally passed away at the young age of 33. Her kids heartbroken as well as Noel. I listened as music played and a bright light flash in the distance.

Once I gained focus of my eyes I saw Hazel sitting on a cloud. She looked at herself and all around. I heard a flutter of Harp and my angel wings appear on my back. She looked up at me and tears filled her eyes.

I walked up to her knowing I was the one to have to tell her. I put my hand out and she accepted it.

"I finally went?" She asked as I slowly felt me feeling her feelings fading away.

"I'm sorry" Was all I could say.

She buried herself in my chest and she slowly went back to the way she was when she was 5. The true time of happiness in her life.

"Uncle Freddie?" as she said this as I looked at her.

It made me remember the year of '85 and the memories we shared. I wiped the tears away from her eyes. I couldn't speak as I was too sad to even form words.

"I never got to say goodbye to him" I knew in that moment she meant Noel.

"H-he loves you"

She disappeared from my arms and I knew her final wish came true. She was with him.

This was her story. The ever heartbreaking story.

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