I said it on MTV

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December 5th, 2000

We had flown in a few days early so we had time to explore the city and Noel and I could have some time together. Yes I said Noel and I. I had asked him if he would come with me to New York so I wouldn't be alone. I knew I had my band mates and such but I wanted to have someone who I felt really knew me. I really hated being alone anymore.

The way it would work would be I would have today with Noel then the following days he would be with me but while we practiced our songs for our performance. The songs we'd be preforming are our three singles we put out.

The great feeling about that is they all went to Number one on British and American charts. This resulting in us going to be playing on 'Top of the pops' when we go back to Britain. We were becoming great hits. The whole world was starting to realize.

I rolled over in the bed Noel and I were sharing in our hotel. I now faced the man I loved so much. Everyday I wanted to tell him how much I loved him but we hadn't said 'I love you' yet. It was a good thing and a bad thing.

Good because I truly did love him but it was a bad thing since the last person I truly loved was gone. It scared me that he would dissappear. I quickly went from one thought to another trying not to cry.

I just sat there not really thinking just admiring the man that laid beside me. His grown out Beatles moptop every which way from sleeping,his perfect nose, thick eyebrows that I honestly thought were cute, and his bare chest going up and down. He looked perfect just sleeping there.

I looked at the clock that read 10:24 A.M. Might as well go ahead and get up. I moved his hair out of his face and laid kisses all over his chest and face. His eyes fluttered open and he turned his head looking at me. He gave me a beautiful smile that was just so perfect like him. He then wrapped his arms around me pulling me close.

"Goodmorning beautiful" His rough,raspy, sleepy voice spoke.

That couldn't be any more hot he tried.

"Goodmorning" I said back and I moved so I was laying on top of him looking into his deep blue eyes.

He just smiled at my little action not caring that I was. All he did was rub my back some. It was a moment I just wished would last forever. After a few minutes I couldn't bare it anymore. I pressed my lips against his slipping my tongue in his mouth. The warmth of his mouth making me shiver in delight.

3rd days later

We had been practice none stop for the past two days and I felt we couldn't practice anymore. Now It was show time. It was time for our National debut.

We stood away from the camera as the woman was speaking. I felt myself shaking from nerves. I had preformed infront of thousands of people but national tv was a whole other game.

"This band is a up and coming band already having 3 hit singles topping the charts in America and England, they have immense talent, and the lead singer is daughter of Roger Taylor this is Mellifluous!"

The camera panned as my band began playing their instruments. I held the mic just a bit and was looking through Noel's glasses. I was having a bit of anxiety before I went on so Noel gave me his Round "Lennon" glasses to wear as well as his jean jacket.

I began singing "different world's"a song I wrote a while ago. I wrote it when I was about 16 when I was becoming troubled at school trying to distract myself from him. It was a meaningful song to me but it didn't give away or show how personal it was. After that was "shining' and 'Forever'.

Just about the whole time I had my eyes locked on Noel or following the camera that would pan by me as I sang. It was a great but nerve-wracking experience. Soon enough like a blink of an Eye it was all over. Now all I had to do was the interview.

Claps and cheers roared but I was again looking at Noel. He gave a thumbs up then continued clapping. I smiled as the crowd quieted down.

"Stay tuned as Mellifluous joins us over at the couch right after the break" the women said as it then cut to break.

Soon before we could say much we were rushed over to where the women was standing. We were placed accordingly to how the future questions would be asked. We were all then given mics. We said quick hellos before we were back from break.

"Hello everyone and I am excited to present the band Mellifluous how are you guys"

We all gave a quick good as we were all so nervous.

"Good now tell me how did this all started um Hazel how about you answer" of course

"Well a few months ago I wanted to start a band and of course being in the recording studio all my life for the most part I've met some very talented Musicans some that were just studio musicians so I took the jimmy page approach asked them and here we are now" I smiled trying to stay calm.

"That's really cool would you say your anything like led zeppelin" she asked and we all sorta laughed

"No were not that talented influenced by them however"

We continued on taking turns answering questions. After a few minutes of talking you get very comfortable with it.

"Alright now here is a dying question I think me and the people at home are wondering is it true that you and Noel Gallagher from Oasis are together?"

I immediately went crimson before putting the mic up near my mouth:

"Yes it is"

The crowd started cheering then calming down making me laugh.

" He's actually here tonight" I told the women. Still didn't know her name.

"Wow that's so cute actually we have a picture" It showed a picture of Noel and I walking down a street in new York holding hands.

The audience awed at us.

"So tell me how you guys met"

"Well...Liam ,Noel's brother,called me one day and invited me over so I accepted and as I showed up later that day I walked up to the door and knocked from inside you could hear them yelling which one was gonna get the door till one if them yelled 'you get it you have a crush on her' eventually we got to know each other and fell for each other."

I looked up and I saw Noel blushing. His whole face was red and smiling.

"Really? Wow so do you ever worry about the age gap between the two of you"

Truth was I did alittle. I worried he was gonna leave me for someone his own age or my family as they didn't even know about us.

"Eh..well no not really I Love him too much to care, love has no age"

It hit me what I just said. I just said on live television that I loved him. .

I looked up at Noel who wasn't there anymore. Oh no.

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