In only Seven days

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      I felt my heart race as Phoebe  told me what Freddie's wish was. I didn't understand why though. Why would he want me to be a Mercury. I mean I'm not complaining  it's a honor really but I don't feel that I'm worthy enough to be.

  "D-does it say why" I asked him looking straight into his eyes.

  " it doesn't" after that it was silence.

   My mind swirled on what I should do. Although some people would have a immediate  response  I honestly didn't know. After a long couple minutes  Phoebe  spoke up.

  " Are you gonna change your name" he asked.

  I sighed and knew what I had to do. I didn't have a reason why Freddie wanted me to but I knew he wanted me to. I still just didn't know.

Graduation  day

   "And now for our Valid Victorian Ms. Hazel Taylor"

   I stood up as the principal  moved away from the podium. I stepped up to the podium and had my speech in hand.

   " Hi everyone" I said smiling then continuing "I would like to say congratulations to you all I mean we've made it. We graduated high school and now it's time for us to start our lives. Some of you may have never thought you would make it this far but guess what you did and now your sitting infront of me waiting to get that diploma. Some of you may be going to University and others you may be ready to be married or start a business  or maybe even pursue  music as I would like to but We are our future we are the change we are gonna be the face of a new world. We are the class of 2000. I'm proud to say that and so should you. I hope to see you all again someday on the long way back to the middle. And as I give you my final Salut I want you to Remember this from a man that taught me so much a man who is a big part of me I want you to remember that we are our today thank you"

   Cheers, claps,and whistles  erupted and flashes of cameras flashed before me. Mom,Dad, my siblings, John, Brian, their families,Phoebe, and Jim. There was more people there that I knew and care about. So many people I couldn't name them all. I was happy they were there. I just,wished Freddie was there. I knew in some way he was there but him not being there physically was the worst feeling ever.

A week later

   I walked up to the green door  that read "Garden Lodge" on the front. I hadn't been in there so many years I didn't know what to expect. I couldn't bare to reach the door handle. It was impossible it felt like.

  Phoebe laced his hand with mine like he would do when I was little. He only did it when I was scared or my anxiety  got the best of me.

   " you can do it" he told me.

  I nodded and lifted my hand. I slid the key in the keyhole before turning the door handle. I pushed it open before stepping inside. My breathing hitched and I was immediately  taken back to Christmas eve of 1988


   "Uncle Freddie when can I open presents" I whined in anticipation..

   I was 5 or 6 at the time so Santa and Christmas  in general  was a big thing.

   " oh Hazel you'll be able to open them soon enough" Freddie said holding me in his arms.

    Instead of spending my Christmas with my family I pretty much demanded to spend it with Freddie. Of course I got my way with a bit of Freddie's help.

   " come on why don't we go help Uncle Joe Bake cookies" Freddie asked me.

  Later that day we went outside and threw snow balls. It was alot of fun and was one of my fondest moments with Uncle Freddie.

End of flashback :

   I felt myself becoming light headed and sad.  The room seemed to be spinning  around and around. I started feeling nauseous and hard to breath.

   " Hazel are y-" Phoebe never got to finish talking as I fell into a dark  black world of my own.

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