Your my Wonderwall

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Authors Note:
Hello everyone!

Just wanted to say that the Gallagher brothers, mainly Noel, will be a big part of this book. It's a Queen/Oasis crossover if you wish. I think it'll make things more I guess you could say "with the times". Also just a warning this chapter gets alittle heated I guess you could say or a bit mature. Its also a bit of a fikker chapter. Anyways Peace and Love-HL


"For crying out loud Noel you've known her for barely anytime at all!" My brother exclaimed as he threw the newspaper down on the table I sat at.

I looked at the paper and on front was a hug headline reading:Bad boy Gallagher with innocent Ms.Mercury. I picked up the news paper scanning over the letters not giving much thought. I looked at the front headline picture which was Hazel and I kissing the tree yesterday.

The newspaper also had pictures of us playing soccer, me tickling her,and holding hands. Perfect story for poparrazi to have a field day with and that's for sure.

I looked at me brother who seemed to me to be overreacting quite a bit. I didn't understand at all why.

"So Liam!" I shot back "I've fallen for her... she's perfect in every fucking way I can't stop thinking about her matter how hard I try"

He took his head and flopped down on the chair infront of me.

" you really love her?" He asked me after a few minutes of silence fell in the room.

My heart pounded as I really thought about. I of course told her I had fallen for her but I never had even thought about saying love. I knew deep down it was true and it was no denying it.

"100% in love...never felt this way before"


Today I had important business meetings to attend and a TV show to go to tonight. I was completely booked. Good thing is after the business meeting I got to see Noel finally after what felt like eternity. Actually it was more like not even a full day but that's besides the point.

"Ms.Mercury" one of business men said loud and clear to get my attention.

"Oh yeah sorry I have alot on my mind" I blushed crimson as the 20 plus people looking at the me.

"Good now that we've got your attention let's do one last run through about what's going on shall we" He then went on talking about the CD format, cover, songs,singles, and so on.

I made sure everything was going to be completely perfect.I wanted people to look at the cover of the CD and from there to feel like they were being told a story. I wanted them to feel like I was telling them my story.

"Great now the CD will be released on December 8th and we will be flying to New York that day to preform some songs off the Album plus a interview...alright now meeting dismissed"

I was extremely excited for going to and being on MTV only problem was I don't know if Noel could or want come.

"Hey Hazel wait up" My band mate Ricky called out.

He was about 5'9 with jet black curly hair, green wolve like eyes, and rosy red lips. He wasn't bad looking but not my type.

"Oh hey what's up"

We walked out of EMI studios and to the parking lot stopping out front.

"I was wondering if sometime you would-" cutting him off was me jumping when I felt two arms wrap around me.

I looked up and saw Noel and I slapped his arm.

" don't do that" I tried to say but laughing a bit.

"Sorry love"

I turned back to Ricky who had a look of sadness and defeat on hus face. I didn't really understand why.

"Oh...never mind I'll see ya later" and from that Ricky left.

" se ya Ricky"

I turned around facing Noel as he still had his arms wrapped around me. I put my arms around the back of his kneck and stared into his beautiful blue eyes.

"How are you beautiful" he asked me as we stood in the middle of the parking lot not giving a Shit what people thought.

"I'm doing great now your here"

We leaned in and my arms immediately went down to his chest giving me some leverage. His tongue slipped into my mouth and arms wrapped securely around me even more so than before. As we pulled away we were both out of breath but didn't mind. We just smiled at each other happy to be in each others company.

"I have a interview with the band later tonight on the late show and I have one ticket for someone I want to come with...would you accompany me?" He smiled at me and shook his head.

" I don't think that's even a question I'd absolutely love to go"


As we arrived at Noel's house since his was closer I was met with the house I had seen so many months prior. Everything looked like it hadn't been touched since I had left.

" Sorry about the mess" Noel blushed "I haven't had time to clean up"

I just smiled at him "It's just fine"

We both sat down on the couch and before we could really do anything else it turned into a make out session. A very heated one at that. Noel had pushed me back on the couch and had his hands under my shirt. I had my hands in his hair pulling and tugging at it a bit causing moans to escape his mouth.

Let's just say it wasn't just making out for too much longer.

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