Save me

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Class was over and just like Mr.Augustine told me I stayed after. After everyone left the room he called me into his office. I wearly walked in and stood there awkwardly.

" you can sit down Ms.Taylor your not in trouble" He told me pointing to the seat infront if his desk.

I sat down and let out of breath since I wasn't in trouble. Mr.Augustine looked quite familiar. He was pretty young as he was in his 20's. From what I've heard this is his 1st year teaching. He had short Brown hair, green eyes, high cheek bones, and a familiar smile.

" you don't remember me Hazel do you" I shook my head no.

" Freddie's tribute concert" it then clicked in my mind who he was.

" Jake?!" I half exclaimed half questioned.

" How have you been Hazel" he said smiling.

" oh my it is you" I pretty much jumped over the desk to hug him

" how have you been Hazel?"He asked me actually smiling because I recognized him.

" I've...been...alright"

Truth was everything had been alright. I still have night terrors, depression, Anxiety, panic attacks, and I always see his eyes when I close mine as if they had been burnt into my eyes. All of that aside I had been doing okay. Somethings had become a regular routine like say going to the therapist.

I missed Uncle Freddie so much as well as uncle Joe. I missed them so much but it felt as if they were always there. I knew they were which helped ease my problems some.

" that's good! I'm glad to hear...anyways why I called you back is we both know your talents and I want to put you in a higher band class and also there is a piano competition in Cornwall next month and I want you to enter" All of that loaded up on me but I knew what Freddie would want me to do.

" Okay I'll do them both"

He smiled and grabbed two papers.

" turn these into me first thing tommarro"

After saying our goodbyes I ran out the door and outside. Dad was in the car waiting for me. He opened the door for me from the drivers side of the car and I hurriedly got in. He had his same grin he always seemed to posses and the positivity that radiated off of him.

" How was school my little lady bug" my heart filled with sorrow but I kept my smile on.

" it was good...guess who's a teacher now" I asked him.

He thought for a second before answering:

"The Pope" I laughed at his silly remark before continuing.

" no,No Jake in security and crew from '93 he's my music teacher but he's gonna put me in a higher level band class and also he wants me to join this piano competition" His face lit up with excitement just had mine when he told me.

" that's great Hazy " Dad told me giving me a hug without looking away from the road.


I felt myself start to panic as she entered the building. I knew what was going to happen in the future. The worst part was I wasn't gonna be there to help her through all of it. I wasn't gonna be there to comfort her and help her. All I could do was sit back and watch.

Hazel had gotten better though which I was happy for. She still suffered heartache which was something she would face forever. Everyday I beat myself up over what I did. It was my fault I got sick. It was my fault I connected so much with her. Everything was my fault.

The connection we had messed Hazel up. I ,in some way, destroyed her. I made this perfectly fine little girl end up with Axiety, depression, night terrors, and a broken heart. Everything was my fault. Maybe if I didn't get close with her she would life a normal life. She would have been normal.

I cried as I missed her so much. Angels are supposed to be strong but I wasn't. I was broken just as much as her.

Save me....

Hey guys,

Sorry if this chapter is a bit all over the place. I've been having trouble writing lately but it's all good now. There's not too much for me to say....anyways peace and Love-HL

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