I'm gone like Magic

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The next day I didn't come out of my room at all. I didn't go downstairs to eat or anything else. I knew by dinner they would make me come downstairs so I figured putting off going downstairs for a while would be the best.

Now you might think it's because of Felix. If you think that your right but also today I woke up and it was all down hill from there. I had dreamt of Freddie and have you ever had those dreams where you think your awake. After you wake up from the dream you try to continue what your doing. Yeah that's what happened to me.

In my dream I was heading to Freddies house and once I got there I quickly ran into the green door to his front door. I knocked on it and a few seconds later he answered the door. Freddie exclaimed munchkin and we were getting ready to hug but I woke up. I woke up and exclaimed uncle Freddie. After a moment I realized it wasn't real and cried.

" Hazel" my brother, Hendrix, said knocking on the door.

" go away Hendrix " I replied calmly.

" Okay" he said saddened I didn't let him in.

I couldn't let anyone in.


I watched as she gently weeped clutching on to the sweatshirt that used to be mine. She was in misery and if she was in misery so was I. I now knew everything about Hazel. I knew stuff she wouldn't ever tell me and the things she's done. I knew the way she would die.

Hazel sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes. She sat up and grabbed the framed picture of us off her nightstand. It was a picture of us on the set of 'A kind of magic'in March if '86 . I was dressed in a magician outfit and I was holding her in my arms. I made sure the costume and make up artist had make and a costume for her.

She of course wasn't in the video but it would be fun for her. It was a magician outfit like mine and she had a bit of makeup on. She wrapped her arms around me and was kissing my cheek. I was smiling but with my mouth closed because of my teeth.

It was a great day that day. Her and I ran around set pretending to do magic tricks. It was a great day. A memorable one at that.


Dinner arrived sooner than I had wanted it to. I wasn't all that hungry but I knew Mum and Dad would make me eat something. I trudge downstairs and to my seat beside Hendrix and Dad who sat on the end of the table. Felix sat across from me and beside little Freddie. Mum sat in the opposite end of the table across from dad.

Dinner had been served and it was all stuff I didn't particularly like. I ate like uncle freddie. Everything was extremely healthy and barely any carbs at Freddie's and that's how I preferred it. Mum most of the time fixed like that. Today though she didn't and I knew why. Felix.

" Felix how do you like your dinner " mum asked him halfway through dinner.

"It's delicious" he exclaimed making me scoff a little too loud.

Mum and Dad both looked at me.

" Hazel you do not scoff it's rude now apologize to your mother" Dad told me sternly.

" Sorry " I mumbled pushing my food around.

After that no one payed too much attention to me until Felix said something.

"Why are you always so sad" he asked me making me look at him.

" Felix "dad said warned him.

I looked into his eyes as he spoke.

" what it's true she's sad about something and her room is filled with things only grown ups have and it's ridiculous like her sweatshirt it's oversized and extremely yellow" what the hell!

I got up abruptly and threw my napkin down on my plate. I went up to my room without another word said. Tears stained my cheeks and I tried to ignore them. I went to the balcony and pressed my hands against the railing. I looked up into the midnight sky.

I looked up at that star remembering that day....

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