Don't look back in anger

382 17 1

I knocked on the wooden door and waited for one of them to open it. To say the least I was nervous. I always had a somewhat hard time meeting new people. My social skills weren't always the best. I mean I can work a crowd but in small groups I was always horrible.

" YOU OPEN THE DOOR YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HER" one of the brothers yelled but I couldn't tell which one.


I blushed madly after that was yelled. A crush on me? A minute later the door opened to see a frustrated Noel.

" Please come in" His thick Manchester accent even more so than Liam's.

" thank you"

I walked in and the smell of Cigarettes,cologne, and Alcohol hit me. As I followed Noel to where ever I got a anxious feeling. I felt that uncle Freddie wouldn't approve of them. That's what I always thought about every time I met new people.

Hello Everyone,

As you all have noticed I have been gone for a while. Reason is I have been trying to deal with stress and school work. This resulted in not being able to be on wattpad to write. I'm trying to get back in the swing if things. Anyways Peace and Love-HL

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