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She loves me... SHE LOVES ME!!!

I quickly ran from where I was standing to where the band would be exiting. I stood there waiting in anticipation for her to come.

"Thank you Mellifluous and join us tommarro with Weezer"

A more upbeat song of there's played as the show faded out.

"Cut that's a wrap" a director yelled.

I waited but couldn't wait much more. I hurriedly went out of the exit and to wear my girl was standing with her band and some other people. I wasn't one to be rude. Actually that's a lie I could be really rude. Anyways I saw her smiling but it was fake. She was sad, terribly sad. It confused me on why she was. I mean she just said she loved me.

I waited a minute before people started walking away. She turned around and saw me. I ran up to her and clashed my kiss with her making us almost fall over. I lifted her legs puting them around my waist. I then spun around not leaving her lips from mine. When I did pull away she was in utter shock.

"Y-your not mad" she choked out

She couldn't possibly think so...

I watched as she had finally come to terms with her love. She had finally fallen in love with someone else. This time it was romantic and she was in a relationship. I couldn't help but smile. I then thought of what was to come 9 years from now. It made me sad it would be something she never would deserve. If I only I'd be there to save her.

"Do you think I'd really be mad?" Noel asked me to which I didn't know how to respond so he continued talking.

"Hazel I'm so in love with you I can't stand it! Your all I think about and the only girl in the world I want to be with...without you in my life I'd be nothing"

Soon we had made a scene in a good way I guess. People had stopped and were staring but we didn't care. Why should we?

Tears of so much happiness fell and coated my face. With one hand he still balanced me ,while I still had my legs wrapped around his waist, wiping the tears away.

"I love you" Hazel

"I love you Noel"

We both leaned in craving each others lips. Everyone clapped but we were too in the moment. Once we pulled away we blushed like mad. Life was truly perfect.

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to tell you all that this book will be ending soon. I'm not sure how many chapters but it will be. I will say now that I am thankful for all the people who have been there since the beginning. It's been a true honor to read your comments and how attached you got to the characters.

I thank you all greatly for that and you all know who you are. Also we've reached over 1000 reads on this book! That's amazing everyone! I am so grateful for you all and I will continue to write more books in the future. Anyways Peace and Love-HL.

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