key to my heart

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ugh jet lag! I woke up at about 2 in the afternoon and it always made feel like I waisted a whole day. I grabbed my silk robe Freddie had gotten my last year and Slipped it on. I made my way downstairs and was met by the smell of food.

I walked into the huge kitchen being met by Mika and her boyfriend Matt. Mika was cooking something while Matt was going over lines for a movie in the works. He was an actor and had just recently come out with a movie back in September. It was called "Singles" and wasn't that much of a hit.

He was a phenomenal actor but that wasn't Cameron crowe's best movie. He was however in a movie in the 80s called The Outsiders and that was a pretty big hit.

" hey Squirt how are ya" Matt said as I sat down at the table.

I looked at him and shook my head.

"I'm guessing your tired" he said before getting up and getting coffee.,

"So you want some early dinner since you missed Breakfast and lunch" Mika asked me.

" Yes please" I told her before looking out the window.

The waves crashed on the shore and birds flew in the sky. It looked so peaceful and perfect. It reminded me of the time Queen was on The Works Tour. We were in Sydney, Australia and I went to the beach with Freddie,Phoebe, Joe, Roger, Brian, and John.

Mom and all the wives went shopping but I wanted to go with the guys. We had an absolute great day too. Freddie and I had built sand cassell's and that was something I would never forget.


"No, No, No, you have to put this part here" Freddie exclaimed as if it was obvious.

" Freddie you do realize she's 4 right?" Dad told him raising his glasses

"Yes you arse but Mary was telling me that if you talk to kids like there Adults they mature and learn faster" Dad just rolled his eyes and went back to tanning .

Later that night we had a bonfire and Freddie and I walked the shore line. He held me in his arms and we talked back and forth. What I didn't know was what he was going to tell me was going to affect my future very greatly. What I was going to say was to affect his future for the rest of his life.

" Hazel what does love mean to you" he asked me this and of course of my age then he was expecting a more common answer.

Not exactly.

" It means to me to share a special bond with someone" he grinned at me and held me a bit tighter.

" Really? Do you share a bond with someone like that maybe your mom, dad,-" I had interrupted him which I never did since I had learned that it was rude.

" I share it with you uncle Freddie" he was taken back by my answer but kept his smile.

"Hazel I'm going to tell you this and only once but one day when I'm gone and your ever feeling sad because maybe you don't have anyone just know I will always be there...I will always be right there" as he said the last part he pointed to my heart.

End of flashback:

That day as of almost any other day I spent with Freddie greatly affected me. Freddie greatly affected me as he was a very big part of my life and still is. The years ahead that I were to face were to be nothing but a struggle. Eventually it died down a alittle bit over three years. When I started real school I learned that your past can easily be brought up.

It was my never ending curse and blessing but either way it was something I pwuld never break free from.

Hey guys!

I'm back! Yes I know it's been a long time but the last few weeks have been long and hard. I should be updating more frequently now and yeah! :) Also sorry if this chapter sucked and was a bit all over the place. Anyways Peace and Love-HL

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