Chapter 29

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~Riley's POV~

I grabbed for my phone and dialed 9-1-1.

"Hello? My-my boyfriend just got shot we're in the Willowburrow apartments please hurry!" I sobbed into the phone, not waiting for any response from the other end.

Christian's eyes opened some and he looked at me, a smile playing on his lips. "Just let me go." He said.

"No no no I'm not gonna let you go no way in hell please I need you to stay with me." I shook his head. "Stay awake, stay with me. Goddammit Christian you are gonna survive this!" I knew he hated when I yelled at him but I would also hate it if he died so what do you want me to do.

"Christian?" Chris please baby." I cradled him in my lap. "You can't leave us alone."

"How lucky was I..." He said, "that I got you. Of all the men, you chose me." He sighed. "I love you so much."

"I love you to." I kissed his forehead.


I don't know if it was the fact that Christian was the father of my children who were inside me so that means that they got to go in which also meant I got to go in, or that the nurse on duty was feeling incredibly generous and bent the rules for the poor sobbing, pregnant girl that had been crying in the waiting room for hours who's boyfriend had just been shot. Either way, I was happy I could be with him. But I did have to wait until he was awake.

Which he woke maybe forty-five minutes after she told me this.

I practically ran to his room, throwing open the door. His eyes moved from the TV to me and he smiled. "Hey."

"Oh god you're okay." I breathed, carefully approaching the hospital bed.

"More or less." He said.

"H-how do you feel?"

"A little tired and sore but otherwise, I guess I'm okay."

I kissed him lightly, putting my arms around his neck. "I've been sitting there for hours just waiting to see if you'll make it please don't ever scare me like that again."

"No promises."

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