Gifts / Chapter 10

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Matt and I left the hotel at 11 am and got home at 12 pm. "You still have time to be with me right?" I asked while putting the key into the lock of my front door.

"Of course Maddie.. I've got an idea! Loads of fans got me gifts yesterday.. Will you help me open them?" He asked.

"Yesss! Lets get to it!" I opened the door and Matt went to the back of his car to get the gifts. He brought them all into my house and set them down on the floor.

I opened one. "This is so beautiful." I told him while holding up the artwork. "Her twitter user is right here." I pointed to it and he got his phone out to follow her.

"Look at this one." He smiled, "My fans are amazing."

I opened another. "Jess Sanders..?! YOU MET JESS SANDERS?!" I asked desperately.

"I think so? I don't remember everyone's names." He responded. "Was I supposed to?" I took my phone out and looked for a photo of Jess. I showed him the picture. "Oh her?" I nodded.

"Yeah her! She hates me. She hates everyone and has everything. She's the most popular, rude, and beautiful girl in our school." I stated. "I used to be jealous of her."

"I can throw her gift out if you'd like." He suggested.

"NOOO!" I yelled. "She'll hate me!"

"She doesn't need to know.

"But still." I said seriously.

We opened several more and soon it became 4 o'clock and Nash called me. "What's up blue?" I giggled.

"Is that my nickname?"

"Duh! What's mine?" I asked.


"How unique." I said sarcastically.

"You're the one to talk."

"Shut up haha! What did you want Nashybear?" I teased.

"Just wanted to know how you were doing Maddieboo! I also wanted to know if you wanted to go out tonight.. as for myself, I am not on tour, unlike Matt."

"I'm doing well.. I'd love to hang out with you! What time?"

"I'll pick you up at 7?" He hesitated.

"Sure.. see you then blue!" I smiled.

"Peace out Green."

I hung up on Nash. I looked over to Matt. He had already picked up the trash and the few gifts we didn't open.

"Have fun with your date tonight." Matt was unhappy. He got up and walk towards the door. I followed.

"Matt! Where are you going?!" I frowned. "You still have 4 hours! I don't wanna say goodbye yet." I confessed.

"You have a date to get ready to."

"It isn't a date and I don't take that long to get ready.." I paused. I took a good look at him. "Are you jealous?"

"Don't even start Maddie.."

"oh. my. gosh. Matthew Espinosa is jealous." I chuckled. I walked over towards him. "Don't be Matt. We barely just met anyway." I teased.

"You suck." He fought back.

"You swallow." I smiled innocently. "Have you gone on twitter recently?" I asked. "My notifications are blowing up. Check my account."

He got on and searched for me. He tweeted;

"I'm not dating ANYONE! I can have friends that are girls can't I?"

"Thanks for addressing that Matt." I felt relieved but then a little upset. I wish we were together. I don't know if he feels the connection I think we have, but I hope he feels it soon.

I sat on my couch with Matt and scrolled through my timeline. I saw tweets like;
"She's such a faker. She's using him for fame even if they aren't dating!"

"Ew. She follows me. I hope she sees this and burns."

"I personally think they're a cute couple." - my personal favorite.

"I ship them. @TheMattEspinosa @MaddieBosanko_IGHP" - also one of my favorites, so I favorited it and followed her.

"@MaddieBosanko_IGHP don't listen to the haters. They're jealous, even if you two aren't dating, I hope y'all do." I favorited that too.

Matt uploaded a picture of him and I on Instagram. We were with one of the posters someone gave him. "my favorite." He captioned it. I read the comments;

"He's talking about the girl! Not the poster."

"Who's she?"

"What's her @?!!"

I liked the picture and commented, "me too👌❤"

He looked over to me and took my hand. "Lets go shopping." I looked at him surprised.

"Alright.. But you asked for it!" I giggled.
Authors note:
If you dont read every chapter, one will seem funky because everything falls into place with each chapter yknow?! ANYWAY THANKS AGAIN FOR SO MANY READS! LOVE YOU ALL BBYLUVS.

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