Part Forty

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Jess's p.o.v

"Mmm." I stretched out in bed, refreshed from my post coytal nap. I'd dropped off to sleep shortly after Shannon left for his dirk bike adventure with Jared. I can't stay away from him lately, moving in had proved to be an afrodisiac. Turning over, I pulled Shannon's pillow to my nose and breathed in deeply. Pulling it to my chest, I hugged it tightly. How could I miss him so much already.

I sat going through the days mail, Cujo curled up by my feet. There was nothing interesting, until I came across the invitation to Ryan and Elsa's wedding. It read 'Jessica and Shannon', not 'Jess plus one'. I looked down at Cujo, "Our first invite as a proper couple." Cujo looked at me, realised what I said didn't involve him in any way and went back to sleep. I couldn't stop smiling, Shannon and I really were a couple.  It was finally sinking in.

It was just after lunch and I was on a call with my agent. Debs "Honey I'm telling you, this is an amazing opportunity. They practically wrote this part for you." Me "It sounds great Debs, but I'm not sure I want to be away for so long." D "At least read the script sweetie. You'll fall in love with it, I swear." I let out a heavy sigh. There was no arguing with Debs when she was on a mission. It was part if the reason she was such a great agent. Me "OK, send me the script. But no promises." I could hear her smiling. D "You won't regret it Jess." I already did.

D "Now I want to talk about that man of yours. You really should think about getting yourselves out there more. People love a celebrity couple." I groaned inwardly. Me "Debs I'm not using my relationship to further my career. Shannon and I are very private people and we'd like to keep it that way." My phone beeped for call waiting. Me "Debs I gotta go, Jared's calling me." D "Ooo tell him I said Hi." She giggled, making me roll my eyes. 'The Jared effect' strikes again. Me "Yeah, OK. Bye Debs."

Me "Hey Jay. You guys having fun?" There was silence. Me "Jared?" Had he lost the signal? I knew it wasn't great out there. J "Jess...I..." His voice was barely a whisper. J "There's been an accident...We're at Cedars-Sinai. Jess...Shannon's hurt."

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