Part twenty

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Shannon's p.o.v

Me "What the hell?" Jared was rolling around on the floor, laughing and holding his sides. Tomo and Jess were doubled over laughing histerically.

Jess saw me and wiped tears from her eyes, Jess "Hey babe." she struggled to speak for laughing. Jared started to get up off the floor, still laughing, but slipped and landed back on his ass. The three of them burst out laughing again, Tomo gasping for air.

Eventually Jared managed to get up and they all calmed down. Me "So what am I missing?" I was chuckling a little, partly because of the state the three of them were in, but mostly because I was relieved.

Once they got their breath back, they explained Tomo and Jared were entertaining Jess with stories about me. Jared had been making them all laugh, talking about stuff I got up to as a kid, when he'd tripped and landed on the floor, making them laugh more.

Jess walked over to me, Jess "Sorry babe, time got away from me." She kissed my cheek tenderly. I'd been longing for her touch all day. grabbed her waist and pulled her into my arms, devouring her lips. She rested both her hands on my chest, while I had one hand in her hair, the other slid down to her ass. Jared coughed behind us. Jared "Don't mind us bro."

We pulled apart and giggled, Jess smiled and put her arms around my neck. Jess "Guess you missed me then." Me "You have no idea." I rested my forehead on hers and closed my eyes, savouring her touch. Jared "I'd offer to give you some privacy, but it's my room." Me "It's ok bro, I got it." I grabbed Jess's hand and led her to my dressing room.

As soon as my door closed I lifted her up and carried her over to the couch. We kissed as I ripped our clothes off and buried myself inside her. She wrapped her legs around me and moaned with pleasure, as I thrust deeper. After we both came, we lay together naked, our heartbeats slowing down. I stroked her hair and kissed her head. I felt so at peace in her arms.

J "mmm I've been daydreaming of this all day." I looked into her eyes, me "Me too." I kissed her gently and pulled her on top of me. Me "Ready for round two?" she giggled and sat up. J "You sure? I don't want to wear you out before your show." I leaned up and positioned her onto my erection. Me " I can go for hours." She let out a deep moan and started to roll her hips as I thrust from beneath her.

An hour later we ventured out of my room in search of food. We'd worked up quite an appetite. Jared and Tomo were in the coridor.  Jared "Well, nice to see you two lovebirds." He teased. Tomo "Hope you didn't wear him out Jess." She blushed and I pulled her close. Me "Very funny. We're going to get some food, you guys wanna join us?" Jared "Yeah, sure, I'll get my coat." T "Count me in."

The four of us sat laughing. It felt so natural, Jess being there, like she belonged. Jared "Well I hate to stop the party, but we've got a show to do." We reluctantly started to walk to the arena. Along the way I took Jess's hand in mine and held it all the way back.

Jess wanted to stay out of the way while we did meet and greet and sound check, but I asked her to stay close by. I liked having her near me. I looked over at her a few times, she'd be talking to the crew and even laughing with some of the echelon. She was always smiling and my heart swelled every time her eyes met mine.

We were getting ready to go on stage, Jared was getting himself pumped up ready and Tomo was chatting to Stevie. I looked around for Jess, she was stood in the corner, trying not to get in the way. I walked over to her and pulled her lips to mine. Me "Sit behind me on stage, I want you to feel what it's like out there. Jess "Are you sure?" Jared "Shan, it's time!" me "Come on" I pulled her on stage.

The show was amazing. Jared had the crowd screaming and jumping, everyone had a great time. I looked over a few times to see Jess up and dancing with some of the adventure fans, side of stage. I loved how she interacted with them and was so friendly. She came back over, just as we started 'Kings & Queens'. When the song ended, I looked over to her. She was staring up at the ceiling. I wasn't sure, because it was dark, but it looked like she was crying. I wanted to see if she was OK, but we sent straight into 'Do or Die'.

Jared started his acoustic set, so I took Jess's hand and led her to a quiet corner. She was smiling, but I could still tell she had been crying. I touched her face and kissed her cheek. J "As much as i want to, we don't have time to mess around, you've got to be back out there soon!" I took her face in my hands, me "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why you were crying." She sighed heavily, J "I didn't think you saw that. I'm OK really."

She tried to move, but I had her pinned to the wall. Me "Jess, please tell me what's wrong." She took my hand and kissed it. J "I've always loved 'Kings & Queens', it's the song that made me fall in love with Mars." Me "That doesn't explain the tears." J "I was at one of your shows, a few months back." Her voice started to crack. J "That same day I'd been to a funeral for one of my friends." I held her hand and she squeezed it tightly. J "Everything about that night was incredible, the music, the crowd. It made things easier. When you played 'Kings & Queens' I just felt like everything lifted and like she was there with us. It was like saying goodbye. Tonight just reminded me of that night and what it meant to me." I pulled her into my arms and didn't want to let her go.

The rest of the show went great, but all I could think of was Jess and if she was OK. I checked on her a couple of times and she was up dancing again. During 'Up in the air' she was singing and hugging the crowd on stage, she was having a ball. When the song ended and the concert was over I couldn't see her. I tried to look through the crowd, but I kept getting stopped and asked for a hug or a selfie. Security cleared the stage, but she was gone.

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