Part thirteen

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Jess's p.o.v

Me "Oh my God, I love this song! I'm going to dance, who's coming?" I looked around the table. E "We are, come on Jamie!" She grabbed his hand and lead him to the dance floor. Jared "I can show you my moves" He winked at me and put his arm around my waist, pulling me close. I looked over at Shannon hopefully. I was eager to put my hands on his body again and dancing with him would be the perfect opportunity.

Me "Shannon?" S "No thanks." What? J "Come on bro, it's your birthday, let loose!" S "I'm good here. You two go have fun." He gave us a fake smile and took a sip if his drink. What the fuck is his problem? Me "Fine. Tomo?" Tomo looked at us all uneasily. T "I'll stop here and keep Shan company." Me "OK". Jared extended his hand, J "Shall we?" I looked over at Shannon, he was playing with his phone. Me to Jared "Yeah, come on lets go."

Why was Shannon acting like this? I thought he liked me, but he wouldn't even look at me. I guess I was wrong. I let my mind switch off and my body surrender to the beat. No matter what was going on in my life, music had always been my escape.

I felt two hands slip around my waist and I closed my eyes...Shannon. He pulled me against him and we began to move our bodies together to the music. I reached behind me and wrapped my hands around his neck. What the...? Long hair tickle my hands. I spun around quickly and a pair of percing blue eyes met mine. J "Don't stop now beautiful, we're just getting started. "

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