Part eleven

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Jess's p.o.v

"We just had dinner, how can you be eating popcorn?" I motioned to the huge tub Jared was holding. J "There's always room for popcorn baby!" He smiled and winked at me.

The theatre was busy, but we all managed to get seats together. Shannon made sure he and I sat next to each other. I was looking forward to the film, but even more so now I was sitting next to him.

We sat in silence watching Jack Nicholson slowly going insane. At one point I looked over to Jared and he was glued to the screen. I  nudged Emma, who was sat the other side of me and pointed at him. Jared felt us staring at him and pulled a funny face, making us laugh.

As the film continued, something on screen made me jump and I instinctively grabbed Shannon's hand. He squeezed it reassuringly and smiled at me, sending a shiver through my entire body. He didn't let go and we sat for the rest of the film holding hands.

T "Good call on the movie Jess" We all wandered out of the theatre, onto the street. Me "Thanks T, no matter how many times I see that film, I still love it." Jared "You read a lot of Stephen King Jess?" I stopped and looked at him. "Oh my God, are you kidding? The man is a genius! I think I've read every book he's ever written! The way he pulls you into a story,  it's like he's inviting you into the deepest, darkest depths if his mind!" J "A woman after my own heart" He smiled, put his arm round me, giving me a quick hug. I glanced in Shannon's direction...he was staring straight at us and didn't look happy.

Jared to Shannon "What now birthday boy? You ready for more fun, or have we worn you out?" Shannon scowled at Jared, S "I can go all night baby" he winked at me. E "How about a club? I feel like dancing." Jared "Yeah, good idea. You know any good clubs around here Jess?" He smirked at me. I smiled back at him, Me "Well, as a matter of fact..."

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