Part one

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Shannon's p.o.v

Me "You gotta be kidding me?

Jared "Come on bro, it's your birthday tomorrow. Let's have a little fun while you're still young!" I looked up at the sign. Me "Midnight Gentleman's Club..sounds classy" I didn't attempt to hide my sarcasm. I wasn't really in the mood.

Bouncer "You come in or what?" His English wasn't the best, but it was a hell of a lot better than my Russian.

We'd arrived in Moscow earlier that day. The next leg of our European tour. We had a large following in Russia and were going to be there for a few days before moving onto the next country. We'd been once before on the last tour, but not for this long. I kinda liked the place. Cold but beautiful. I had to admit, the women were pretty hot too. Jared "Yes, we're coming in" he grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Inside was actually kinda classy. Not like the dark and dingy clubs we'd been in before. Yeah this wasn't our first time in a strip club, far from it. Just a little treat Jared and I had once in a while. Sometimes the places seemed sleezy or the girls unhappy. We didn't stay at those places. Neither of us liked what they stood for. We didn't see these places as taking advantage of women, but rather empowering them. The way they could grab your attention, cast a spell over men just by moving their bodies. We got enjoyment from the dancers who actually enjoyed their work.

We were seated near the back by the hostess...yeah an actual hostess. This place was classy. It was busy, but not overcrowded. All the other tables were taken by men in suits. No drunks or rowdy bachelor parties. There were even a few women, one was sat across from us on her own watching the girls. Which I thought was kinda hot. I couldn't see her face clearly, but I caught her looking at us a couple of times. She probably recognised us.

Women in figure hugging dresses walked around talking to the customers, laughing and stroking their arms. I saw one or two led into the back and come back out a few minutes later. 'Private dance' I thought. A couple of the girls recognised us and asked to have a photo. We happily abliged and posed with them in our laps. One by one girls were introduced and came out on stage, moving and undressing to the music. Some used the pole, others just danced and stripped. They were good, but nothing really I hadn't seen before.

J "You havin' fun bro? he smiled at me and sipped his water. Me "Yeah, OK". J "See anyone you'd like a dance from yet?" Me "I thought we just came here to watch?" J "Come on Shan, when do we ever just watch?" He laughed loudly and excused himself to use the bathroom.

Moments later they announced another girl, but the intro seemed to last a little longer. The whole audience seemed to shut up and pay attention.  Even the other girls seemed to stop what they were doing and looked to the stage. When the intro had finished, everyone applauded. This hadn't happened before any other dancer. Then...silence...

The music immediately caught my attention. All the others danced to slow, sexy music, this was different. Alice Cooper's voice filled the room. 'Feed my Frankinstein'...interesting choice. No one was on stage, maybe she was late. I heard movement to the side of me. The woman who'd been sat on her own all night had stood up and was moving away from her table and towards me. There was something about the way she moved. Suddenly she removed her coat to reveal the dress she had on underneath. She ran her finger over her lips as she walked calmly over to me.

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