Part seven

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Shannon's p.o.v

My birthday was great, the guys took me to an amusement park and we spent the day playing mini golf and lazer tag. Some people may think we're too old for this stuff, but I say fuck em, we love that shit! Of course I won the mini golf, because I am the master! But no matter how much fun I was having, my mind kept going back to that dream.

I Skype'd with my mom when we got back to the hotel. Jared and I talk to her all the time on there when we're on the road. It's almost as good as seeing them in person...yeah, almost. Mom "You OK honey? You seem distracted." me "Yeah, sorry mom, I'm good". M "Shannon?"me "Really mom, I'm fine". "Well OK, if you're sure". Even thousands of miles away, my mom could tell when I'd got stuff on my mind. Jared "Mom, we gotta go, we're going to dinner." M "OK boys, have a lovely time." Both of us "Thanks mom" we sounded like two kids, M "Love you both". J "Love you too mom" me "Thanks mom, love you".

Emma had found this great noodle place the night before, so we decided to eat there. There were five of us, me, Jared, Tomo, Emma and Jamie. Jared had bought us both Prada floral print shirts to wear, he's always had great fashion sense. We sat looking through the menu trying to make up our minds.

Jared "Wow, I love it!" We all looked up. There was a girl stood talking with the barman, her back to us. She had on a black hoodie with the words 'Keep calm and kill zombies' written in blood red on the back. Jamie "Yeah, cool". Me "Well, I guess I know what I'm buying you for Christmas bro". He laughed, Jared "Hell Yeah!" Emma to Jared "You should go ask her where she got it from." Tomo "Yeah! Go, I'm sure she won't mind, that is, if she can understand you." He looked over at her again. T "You never know? she may even..."

He stopped mid sentence. Jared "T? OK?" Tomo sat staring at the girl. Me "Tomo? What is it?" T "I don't believe it!" He jumped up and bounded over to her. He pulled her into a huge bear hug, lifting her up off the floor and making her squeal. Jamie "Guess he knows her".

We all watched as they both stood talking. We couldn't hear them, but it was obvious they were old friends. She made Tomo laugh loudly, the sound echoed through the otherwise calm restaurant. He pointed to us all sat watching them and waved. She glanced our way for a moment, then turned back to Tomo. We all quickly went back to our menus, trying not to make it too obvious we were staring at them. All except Jared, he was still looking at her. I guess he really did like that hoodie.

They hugged again, this time her feet stayed firmly in the floor. Tomo can back over to us T" Sorry guys, old friend. I had no idea she was over here". Jared "Why don't you ask her to join us?" T "Thanks man, but it's Shan's night. She'll be at the show tomorrow, we'll catch up then" Jared "It's fine bro, go get her. Shannon doesn't mind, do you Shan?" He gave me a nudge and shot me a look that said 'say yes'. Me "Yeah, T it's fine. The more the merrier!"

T "Great! I'll go get her." He ran back over to her and told her. She didn't seem too keen and shook her head. What's wrong? Are we really that scary? Tomo looked over at us and shrugged his shoulders. Jared suddenly stood up and shouted over to them J "It's OK babe, we don't bite...hard!". Tomo took her hand and pulled her over to our table.

Jared caught his water glass as he sat down, spilling it everywhere. I was helping clean it up when I heard, T "Hey guys, this is my pal Jessica. She's in town doing research for her new play. Jess, this is everybody". I heard him introduce everyone one by one T "...and this is our fearless leader, Jared." Jared "Well, nice to see you again" What? He turned towards me J" You know my brother Shannon..."

I looked up and saw a beautiful pair of hazel green eyes staring back at me from behind a pair of black rimmed glasses. Standing in front of me, was Nadia.

Angel eyesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin