Part nineteen

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Shannon's p.o.v

I got into the waiting car, outside the hotel. Jared, Tomo and Emma were already sat inside. J "Well nice of you to join us." Me "Sorry, I...err...was getting dressed." Jared eyed me suspiciously. J "Yeah, right. I saw you get into a cab with Jess after you left the club...good night?" He smirked knowing full well we'd spent the night together. I just smiled at him.

Tomo "Is Jess still coming tonight, or have you scared her off?" He laughed. me "She'll be there, infact I'm meeting her before the show." T "Good. She's a great girl Shan, don't mess her around ok?" Tomo came over all protective. It was one thing I loved about him, how he stood up for the people he cared about. Me "Don't worry T, I could never hurt her." As we made our way to the venue, I stared out the window day dreaming of Jess in my arms once more.

Rehearsal was great, we ran through the entire set list, start to finish. It was going to be an awesome show. But all day, my mind would drift to Jess. The feel of her skin against mine, the taste of her lips. Jared "Hey bro, you with us?" me "Yeah, sorry." We started to play 'Closer to the edge' and I lost myself to music.

A couple of hours later I was talking to Jamie when Emma came over. E "Hey Shan, there's nothing more to do now, I thought you'd be with Jess." Me "I'm just gonna call her now, get her to come down." I looked at my phone and realised, I never got her number. Fuck! I'll ask Tomo, he'll have it for sure.

I started to walk away, when Emma stopped me. E "But she's already here, Tomo called her earlier." Me "She's here?" I felt a rush of excitement. E "Yeah, she's been here about an hour, I thought you knew." My excitement changed to confusion. Why didn't I know she was here? and what had she been doing for the last hour? A cold chill went through me...where's Jared? "Do you know where she is Em?" E "Last I saw, she was in Jared's dressing room."

I practically ran off the stage, down to Jared's dressing room. She wouldn't...he wouldn't. I reached Jared's room and could hear them laughing from inside.! I burst through the door, not knowing what I'd find on the other side...I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

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