Part twenty one

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Jess's p.o.v

Me "What do you mean, I have to leave?" I was looking confused at the security guard, who stood towering over me. Him "Show's over, you need to go." He guided me towards the exit. Me "But I'm with the band, I was on stage for the whole show for God's sake!" Him "Yeah, you and all those other girls." He motioned to a group of giggling girls, trying to get backstage.

Me "But...I..." Him "Come on." He moved me closer to the door. I was about to give up, when I heard my name being called. I turned to see Tomo walking towards us, waving. I turned to the security guard, me "See, I told you." T "It's OK man, she's with us." He grabbed my hand and led me backstage.

T "Glad I found you, someone was getting worried." We walked round the corner to see Shannon pacing the floor, with his phone to his ear. As soon as he saw me, he rushed over and hugged me. S "Where were you?" Me "I was busy getting thrown out by your security. They thought I was some crazy stalker." I laughed, but I don't think Shannon saw the funny side. S "I thought you'd gone." me "You can't get away from me that easily." I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. He put his hands on my back and deepened the kiss.

We spent the night at my apartment. Rosa had finally gone out with a barman from the club, she'd been flirting with for weeks, so I knew we'd have some privacy. Shannon and I lay in bed, tired and satisfied, my head resting on his chest. He was stroking my hair, making me sleepy, but I tried to fight it. I didn't want to fall asleep yet.

S "So, I've been thinking." Me "I wondered what that creaking noise was." He slapped my ass and I giggled. S "Cheeky! But seriously, we move on tomorrow to our next show." My heart sank, I knew what was coming, but I still wasn't ready. S "I want you to come with us...with me." I sat up and looked at him. Me "What?" He brushed a strand of hair out of my face and left his hand on my cheek. S "I want you with me, I'm not ready to let you go."

Me "Shannon...I..." he put his finger to my lips. S "Shhh...think about it...please." I rested my forehead on his chest and exhaled. Me "I wish I could, more than you know, but I'm leaving for New York tomorrow afternoon. Rehearsals for my play are starting." I could see the disappointment in his eyes.

I sat on his lap, straddling him. Me "The shows' already been postponed 6 weeks while they did repairs to the theatre. That's why I had time to come out here. I have to go back." He looked down. I took his face in my hands. Me "Shannon, there's nowhere else I'd rather be than with you, but I have a contract." S "It's OK, I understand." I kissed him deeply, me "If this is our last night together, let's not waste it." He stroked my face, then pulled me underneath him. We made love until the sun came up.

I stood at my gate, waiting to board the plane. The guys were flying from the same airport, so we travelled together. Our flights left from different areas of the airport, so we'd said our goodbyes after security. Me "I've really enjoyed the last couple of days." S "Me too." He took my hand, S "Thank you for my best birthday ever." He kissed my hand and stood holding it, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. I fought back the tears, how could someone I'd only just met make me feel like this.

S "I've gotta meet the guys, so I'd better get going." He was looking down at our entwined hands. Me "Yeah, I should go find my gate." We knew we had to move, but we both just stood there in silence. They announced my flight was ready for boarding, I finally spoke. Me "I should go." S "Yeah, me about a hug first?" Before I could answer, he pulled me to his body, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I buried my head in his neck, taking a deep breath and inhaling his scent one last time.

He lifted my head and kissed me. The kiss was deep and passionate, it reminded me of our first real kiss, on his birthday. The tears threatened to come again. He looked at me, his eyes looked shinny, but I could've imagined it. S "I'll look you up next time I'm in New York." I gave him a half hearted smile, me "I look forward to it." We'd not talked about what was next for us, but we both knew this was it. Shannon was in the middle of a world tour and I was going to be in New York for around 6 months. Long distance doesn't work. It was better to just remember the time we had together.

I couldn't hold the tears back any longer and I didn't want him to see me cry. I gave him a quick kiss and pulled back, stroking his face. Me "Goodbye Shannon." I grabbed my bag and walked away, while I had the strength to leave him.

I stood trying to compose myself before I borded the plane. I was fishing my boarding pass from my bag, when I heard someone shouting my name. I turned around and saw Shannon running towards me. Me "Shannon...what are you...?" He grabbed me and kissed me hard. He rested his forehead on mine. S "I don't want this to be the end. I want to give us a try...if you want to that is." Me "I do...but we'll be so far apart." S "I don't care. We can call, text, skype...and we start the US leg in a few weeks...we won't be apart for long." Me "Shannon...I..." S "Please Jess..." There was a desperation in his voice. I pulled his lips to mine and let the tears fall.

I agreed to call him when I landed in New York and we'd go from there. I didn't know what would happen, but I was prepared to take the chance.

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