Part four

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Jared's p.o.v

Our next show wasn't for 2 days, but we'd got a lot of setting up to do. We'd arrived early so we could have fun on Shannon's birthday. He'd been in a bit of a mood the last couple of days, I think he was a bit touchy about getting older. That's why I took him to the club to cheer him up. He seemed to enjoy himself, especially with that last girl, Nadia. She sure was something I have to admit. I wouldn't kick her out of bed, that's for sure.

I looked over to Shannon, he was staring out the window. He'd been quiet all the way back to the hotel and I think I knew why. Me "Fun night huh?" S "Yeah". He continued to look out the window. Me "That girl was hot. I wouldn't have minded an extra private dance if you know what I mean" S "Ahh huh". Me " Yeah she sure was beautiful. I bet she could go all night too. Body like that, fuck! The nasty things I'd like to do to her." No reaction. Me "I may have to pay another visit to the club. See if i can't get a home visit from...what was her name...Nadia?"

As soon as I said her name, he spun round to face me, S "What?" I threw my hands up in mock exasperation. Me "Finally! You've been somewhere else, since we left the club". S "Sorry, guess I got stuff on my mind". He looked down at his hands. Me "Yeah or someone" I whispered under my breath. Me "How much do I owe you anyway?"

S "For what?" me "The dance genius! It was meant to be my treat". S "I thought you paid." me "No, I thought that's what you were doing after I left. I never gave anyone a cent". He looked confused. Me "She danced for us for free?...interesting". S "Yeah, interesting" with that, he was gone again. Staring out of the window, into the darkness.

As the driver pulled into the hotel car park, Shannon began to check his pockets. S "Damn it!" me "What? What's wrong?" S "I must have left my shades back at the club. I'll have to go back and get them". Me "Dude, they're sunglasses, just buy some more". S "They're Ray Bans and my favourite pair" me 'Fine, but you'll have to go alone. I'm not going all the way back there for a pair of fuckin sunglasses". S "Don't worry, I wouldn't ask you to bro".

I got out the car and watched as it drove away. I smiled to myself, Shannon and I both knew he didn't have any glasses with him that night.

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