Part two

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Shannon's p.o.v

I felt her hand run down my arm. Her sent a shiver down my spine. She kept moving, but away from me and towards the stage...this was her song. She began to dance to the music. It was powerful and she danced with passion. She teased the audience, taking off her clothes slowly until she was wearing nothing but a white lace bra and panties. Jared "What I miss?...Woah" he drooped his hand on my shoulder. Me "Shit!" He made me jump, I didn't even notice him come back. I, along with the rest of the audience was transfixed by the beauty on stage.

Her moves were so seductive. The music seemed to amplify her pull, like a sirens call. She didn't get naked, she didn't need to. Somehow her being only in underwear was sexier. She spun round the pole and moved down it slowly. I couldn't tell for sure, I was too far away, but she seemed to be looking directly me. Damn it! Why didn't we get a closer table?

The song ended and the crowd erupted in applause, customers and staff. She bowed, looked my way then left the stage. Jared "WOOO YEAH!" he was stood next to me clapping loudly. It shook me from my hypnotic trance. Jared "Now that's what I call a show!" I was still looking at the empty stage. Me "Her". Jared "What?" I turned to face him, me "You asked me who I wanted a private dance from. I want her".

Jared was talking to the hostess, trying to arrange a private dance. She was smiling and tossing her hair, staring into his big blues. Another one lost to little bros gaze. Then I saw her. She'd gotten changed and was hugging and talking to a couple of the girls in the corner. I was just thinking of going over to introduce myself when Jared came back looking a bit pissed.

J "She doesn't give private dances". I tore my gaze away from her and looked at him. Me "What?" I was confused. J "The girl...Nadia. Apparently she only dances on stage, not in private". Nadia...that's her name. J "I've asked Zinnia to try for us, but don't get your hopes up" me "Zinnia?" J "The hostess. ..what? Stop looking at me like that Shannon, I was only talking to her for you" He faked annoyance.

Me "Like what?" I was smirking at him, trying to hide my disappointment that Nadia wouldn't be dancing for me.

I looked back over and saw Zinnia and Nadia talking. Zinnia pointed our way and Nadia saw me staring at her. She smiled and said something to Zinnia. The next thing I knew, they were both walking towards us.

Zinnia "Gentleman, this is Nadia". Jared was still stood up and extended his hand J "Beautiful name for a beautiful lady" he kissed the back of her hand making her giggle. Urgh I rolled my eyes, but that sound. I swear I felt a flutter inside my chest. Me "I'm Shannon, great performance" I managed to speak and gave her a kinda half wave, wtf was that? She smiled at me, my god those eyes!

Jared "We understand you don't usually give private dances, but my brother and I were hoping you'd make an exception for us". He flashed her a million watt smile. Nadia smiled back then turned to Zinnia. Z "I'm afraid Nadia doesn't speak English" Damn! "But she has agreed to dance for you" I tried to hide my delight but I think it showed. Me "thank you" I bowed a little...seriously what's wrong with me?

Jared clapped his hands together J "Great! shall we go?" wait...what...we? He offered Nadia his arm. Hands off Jay! Nadia took it and said something to Zinnia.  Z " She's checking the dance is for both if you" Nadia looked at me. Me "Yes, both of us" I said, standing up. No way I was going to miss out! Zinnia simply turned to Nadia and nodded. Nadia offered me her other arm, I took it willingly and she led us both into the back of the club.

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