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Here they go again, playing chess again. Well it's okay anyway since it's March and were just waiting for graduation, I'm just here watching them play.

"Anyone wanna fight Jack?" Carl asks.

"Me! Me!" Maica said.

"W-wait Maica, do you even know how to play?" Carl asked again.

I really don't wanna go there couz their place is crowded.

"Game." I heard Jack said.

Jack is really cute and handsome that's why a lot of girls have a crush on him and Maica is one of them.

There aren't many girls who can go near him because he's always with his friends. And he's kind of snobbish when it comes to girls.

And I'm of those girl who he captured, I really don't know why I even like him.

I just felt it because I always look at him and always looking for him. *sigh* But who am I anyway? I think he doesn't even know that we're classmates.

"Checkmate" I heard Jack said while smiling.

"Whoa dude that's awesome you really are the King of Chess!" Aster said.

"Awww I lost" Maica said sadly then everyone starts to laugh including me because it's not even less than 3 minutes the game has already ended between Maica and Jack.

Tsk, now I'm regretting coming here since there's nothing to do anyway besides stare *sighs*

10 minutes passed none of them have beaten Jack yet, oh well that's why they call him the "King of Chess" on campus because he's really good at that. He even brought many medals and awards for the school from different competitions.

Whaaa! I'm really sleepy, I can't even hear what my classmates are saying too. While I'm stretching my arms I heard someone called my name.

"Did you raise your hand Rapunzel?"

Huh??? I really don't know what is happening but I just suddenly feel nervous.

"Y-yes" I just replied innocently.

"You were raising your hand. I was asking if there's anyone wanna challenge Jack" Carl answered back.

"W-what??!!" I said kinda shocked. "I was just stretching! And besides I don't even know how to play chess..."

"Wait! We already played chess during the elimination on the chess club remember?" Aster said. Wow thanks a lot Aster.

Why did I even joined the chess club? But I back out right after the game after I saw Jack watching every game because he's the club president.

"Come on Rapunzel, just sit there please.... just beat Jack already." Carl said.

I started to fix all of my chess piece. He chose the black ones while I chosen the white ones so I'm the first to attack.

My hands were shaking every time I move one of my piece because of nervousness.


"Whoa! It's seven minutes already! Nice one Rapunzel! You really took the time of the match! I guess this is the day where the King of Chess will be defeated." Aster said in excitement.

While were playing I'm trying my best to keep myself calm, I think it's too obvious that I look nervous.

"Check Queen. Going to surrender your queen?" Jack said seriously.

I was shock at first because he talked to me. I mean, he doesn't usually talk while he's playing. Either Checkmate, Check Queen, or Check King are the only words you can hear every time he plays.

I didn't realize that he was looking at me I felt my cheeks starts to blush.

"Hey Rapunzel, you okay?" Carl asked as he put his hand on my shoulder.

Why should I surrender my Queen? If I can do this? I thought while smiling.

"Check King." Then everyone gasped.

Now I really don't know what to do? I can't believe I Check Jack (not literally checking him out okay!!!)

"Nice try. Since the queen is really important coz she's the one who runs the game." Jack said.


As time goes by our chess pieces are almost gone. Can I even win this game?

"Whoa Rapunzel. We're really amazed, it's already 21 minutes. Your the first person who stayed this long on a game with Jack. I think were going to have a Queen of Chess here" Carl said.

I saw Jack smiling while staring at me!! What am I going to do?!

"Let's finish this match." I heard Jack's serious voice.

Our chess pieces are almost gone, now I even more nervous because as my chess pieces are almost gone. Until one move...

"Checkmate." I felt like I was our of breath at that time. I really don't know what I'm doing. Is the game over? Is it really over?

"OMG Rapunzel you won!!!" Both Aster and Carl exclaimed and cheered.

I cannot believe I said the word "Checkmate" to him.

"I thought your a King? Now you need a Queen! Just say it already... that ever since -" Aster didn't finish what he was saying because Jack immediately knock him out.

Everyone stopped celebrating and just staring at us.

"What if you found out that I like you for a long time? What if I told you right now... that I love you. Rapunzel, will you be my Queen?" Jack asked.

I cannot believe because of just one simple game can change everything. I really can't stop smiling because I cannot believe that the guy I love, loves me for who I am.


I'll be a Queen.. if you'll be.. my King..


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