Day 1 of the Dare

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Hello,this is the first and last dare of the day.This dare was secretly messaged to me,cause the messenger was too shy or embarrass to comment it...

Me: Natsu!


Me:There's a message for you..*shows the screen to him*

Natsu: Natsu,I dare you to wear a wedding dress and explore your dormitory without anyone recodnising you.... What the hell,I ain't doing that!.

Me:But,it's a dare... *pout*.If you don't do the dare,I'll tell Je--

Natsu:Alright,I'll do it!


Natsu:There's one problem though...

Me:And what is it?

Natsu:I don't have a wedding dress. *He answered with a straight face*

I smirked.

Me:Have you forgotten,I am a girl and I have a mom who happens to be a wife and has a wedding dress and you have a friend who's good at make-ups and hairs...

Natsu:What have I gotten myself into....

Me:Who knows..

Lucy:Natsu!.I heard about your dare and I'm here to help!

1 hour later.

"No!.Don't to that!.Stop..!" Natsu kept yelling and I swear you can hear a ruckus behind those door.Mira and Lucy sure a violating him.

"Natsu.Stop squirming..!" Lucy yelled.

"I said stop!.." Natsu whined.Then you can hear a scream,I was just keeping myself silent while typing this.The door open and I only saw,Lucy and Mira with satisfied smiles.They were followed by a teen girl with long pink hair,wearing an off the shoulders wedding gown and from the sound of footsteps in the room,you can clearly tell that she was wearing heels.

"Who's the chick?" I asked after  wolf whistled and took a drink of my milk.

"Natsu!." Mira answered,If I was as disrespectful as I am,I would have spat out my drink.

"You can't be serious!?" I yelled. "He has boobs!.And he's muscles are gone and his hair is longer" I pointed out.

"It's thanks to Mira-san's transformation potion and Cancer" Lucy said with a wink.

"I'm beginning to regret of accepting that dare.." I said in realization. "Natsu.." I called and walked up to him to be meet by his scowling face and I patted his shoulder. "Hope, you don't get rape"...

"How can you say that in a calm tone but with a snickering face?" he asked.His voice didn't change.As I got closer,I can smell the different kind of perfume,like apricot and roses,totally different from his original campfire and cinnamon.

"It's a gift." I shrugged. "Now,all you have to do is walk or whateverly *it's a real word* explore your dorm,without being recognize." I said,crossing my arms, "But before that--*snap*." I took a picture and started to ran. "Lucy,Mira,it's up to you..." 

"Okay!" they saluted and then turned to Natsu with evil smiles.

In the dorm~~~

Natsu was walking from the stairs,the whole building was oddly quiet,but it's not really oddly,cause it's sunday,Jellal is back at his home,enjoying the weekend and it was still 9a.m in the morning,no sane person would wake up at that hour.His heels clattered and echoed..

He kept walking with a straight face,he can get me later,I can tell that he can smell me,so yea,I'm following him so I can take a video.I have predicted that he may encounter someone,and I'm gonna be there to see their epic faces.

He reached the second floor,still no one,but then;the door of his dorm room opened and Sting saw him with a look =v=.

"Eh...?" he questioned and rubbed his eyes.〣( ºΔº )〣<<This is what he looked like and I caught a photage of it,Natsu stopped dead frozen\(º □ º l|l)/<<This is what he looked liked..Haahaha,"Wh--who-are you?" Sting stuttered,pointing Natsu.

"Uhm..The ghost of... (→_→) (←_←) the..ahh..The bride?" he answered with an awkward tone.(゚ロ゚) ! Sting literally had that looked."Okay,bye!." he quickly said and ran off with a relief look.

ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄▽ ̄)┘

Sting ran inside of the room and shook Rogue vigorously.

"Sting,It's sunday,let me sleep." Rogue grumbled.

"There's a ghost here,who smells like apricot and flowers.." Sting explained,Rogue shot up and gave him a glare.

"Sting,there's no such thing as a ghost,maybe it's just someone who wants to prank others." he sighed.

"You're right,maybe that wasn't a ghost." he looked down. "Maybe that was an angel!.."o(≧▽≦)o he said with sparkles in his eyes.Rogue faced palmed and lied back down. "Hey get up,we're going to catch that angel." Sting said with determination.

"Go catch it yourself" Rogue grumbled,Sting frowned,he picked Rogue up and carried him by his shoulder then ran out while Rogue kept punching his back. "Sting,put me down." he ordered but Sting ignored it.

Natsu flinched as he heard running,he turned his head slowly and I swear I saw all of his hair stand up,showing his horror.He started to ran again,up to the third floor,he didn't looked back anymore and just ran,on the opposite side of the building,Natsu jumped from the stairs and made his way to the last staircase in the second floor.On the stairs,Natsu tripped,he waited for the impact,but nothing came.

He slowly opened his eyes and found himself on top of someone,he sniffed the air and his eyes widen,he quickly stood up and attempted to ran.

"Wait.!" Gray called.Natsu didn't turn around and just hummed. "Girls are not allowed here and who are you?never seen you before."Gray asked in a stoic tone.Natsu cleared his throat.

"Y-you see..." he trailed off. "I-I-I got l-lost...and uh--uhm..I mistook t-this building a-as the g-g-g-girl's dormitory.. " he explained and mentally kicked himself for stuttering like an idiot and bit his lower lip hard for lying.

"It's on the opposite side."Gray pointed.Natsu nodded,Natsu started to walk but then,before he can leave he spared a secret glance towards Gray,who was smirking."You know,if you wanted my attention,you could've just ask,Flame-Brain!" Gray yelled and Natsu was literally frozen. I can see his soul floating away.(//▽//)...

"I-it-it's not like that.!" he protested then ran out,you can clearly hear Gray's hysterical laughter.I'm gonna run away now before they see me....C= C= C= C= C=┌(;・ω・)┘..I shall never return!!! And I will text Lucy and Mira that Natsu lost the dare cause Gray recognized him...I'm gonna die if he finds out and it will be wort it.!


08/15/15 10:51 p.m .I know it's short and I have proven that typing a dialogue was harder than I thought. So,any more dares?I'm looking forward for my own stupidity...

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