Chapter 45: The Party Begins

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Ignite and Jellal shared knowing looks. Surely, Ignite knows something about the little accident back then. Natsu might have told her something or she pried it out of him. Purposely, to know why he is at Golden Gates to begin with. She gave Jellal some sort of eye message, pushing him to say something. Jellal turned away, acting like he doesn't know anything. Completely out of his character.

'Damn you, you doting-one-hell-of-a-freaky-bastard!' she cursed. As if hearing her thoughts, Jellal snickered with a taunting grin She hissed at him. 

"Hey. What's with you two?" Erza asked. 

"Hmm.. It's nothing." Ignite answered nonchalantly. "It's none of you business anyway," she mocked. Erza clenched her fist, her anger is evident (animatedly). She mentally laughed.  Jellal cleared his throat, stood up and dragged Ignite by the neck.

"Excuse us a bit," He says, cracking a broken smile and went to a secluded place with her. Erza and the others watched them trail off with eyes no one can explain. Levy cleared her throat.

"That's strange.." Levy said, with worry in her tone. 

"Sure is.." Lucy answered with a flat tone. 

"Huh? What's wrong Lucy?" Juvia asked. Lucy laughed.

" This is nothing. It's just that. Somehow, I'm used to her antics," she answered. Juvia and Levy exchanged smiles. Little did they know, its not just her antics.


"What was that all about?!" Ignite lowly hissed, throwing her hands in thin air.

"How should I know?" Jellal snapped. "Wait.. how do you even know about it?" He reprimanded.

"Heh. I have my ways," Ignite proudly said. Jellal gave her a blank look and she slumped. "Nana ranted to me about it," She admitted. Jellal gave her a harder look, she huffed. "Fine," she groaned. "I pried it out of him..."

"I thought so..." Jellal sighed deeply. "If they both find out it about it..." he trailed off.

"All hell will break loose!" Ignite beamed.

"Why do you seem so happy about it?" Jellal deadpan.

"Well. You see, I don't like Bumble bee's guts and form of language. And so, I want him to be bedridden for I don't know... 10 years?" She suggested.

'Natsu already did that but I don't want her to find that out...' Jellal grimaced. Ignite's brows knitted.

'I wanna know what he's thinking...' she whined in frustration.

"You... just how sadistic can you actually be?" Jellal questioned dumbfounded. Ignite just laughed it off.

"Oh c'mon! C'mon!" She says as she urged Jellal back to their table. "Nana's life has been peaceful. It's time we spice things up a little.." she trailed off with a smile.

"What are you go--" Jellal grunted when he collided with someone. "Ah.... Sorry, my b-- Erza?!" He gaped.

"Well hello there. Titania~" Ignite greeted cheerily. Erza gave her a blank look, resulting for her to pout. 'It's working anymore? This is no fun,' she thought. Without waiting for a response, Erza spoke.

"You were gone for a while. We're about to resume the program..." Erza reminded. Jellal uneasy at her flat tone.

"I-is that so.... let's get going then," Jellal said sheepishly.

"Whaaaat, already?" Ignite whined. "Hmm. Lala, last I checked. We still have 30 more minutes left," Ignite hummed. "What's the hurry, Titania~?" Ignite sneered. Erza stiffened. "Oh well. I'll just see later then," She shrugged and left them, making sure she left a taunting smirk behind.

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