Chapter 35: Explanations and Condemnations

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"Took you long enough," Natsu jumped at the sudden words, he whipped his head and saw Gray with a victory smirk.

"Gray," Natsu called softly, almost like a mewl. 'Blame it on the season, Natsu. Blame it on the season,' he told himself. He straighten up and stared at Gray. "Why are you still here?" Natsu huffed and crossed his arms, almost reprimanding the other. Gray frowns at him and Natsu immediately questioned his action.

"Waiting for you, of course. What else?" He answered like it was a normal response.

"Why were you waiting?" Natsu asked, purely curious as to why he's rival, who hates waiting, is actually right in front of him. Well, waiting. Gray sighed.

"Well duh. I'm sure as hell that you'll call me to pick you up. There's no way in hell I'm gonna waste my gasoline just to drive back here and pick you up," He growled.

'Bastard!' Natsu thought. 'Thought so myself,' he sighed. Gray opened the door for him, he couldn't resist rolling his eyes. "You can choose not to," Natsu pouted.

"Get in," Gray growled. Annoyed, Natsu remained standing with a deadpan look shooting towards Gray. "Hurry up, flame-brain. I've been waiting here for two whole hours and now I'm starving," Gray complained.

'Two hours?!' Natsu screamed in his mind. Despite his mental turmoil, he kept his expression passive. "Hmm. Didn't actually think you have patience," he snickered. But in reality, his actually very grateful, if not, even more.

"Be grateful that I waited for you," Gray said between gritting his teeth together. Natsu only playfully chuckled.

"Oh. And how long do you plan to wait for me, my beloved Gray," Natsu teased. Gray scowled at him. Natsu imitating his fangirls, definitely creepy and disturbing. And Natsu being so dramatic now is also not helping. "Oh my beloved Gray. Will you still wait for me even after 12,000 years?" Natsu acted so dramatically. Reciting the line they had heard back at their school play.

"Stop it, idiot. It's not funny," Gray sneered. Natsu snickered and started to mockingly laugh him.

"I won't be laughing if it's not funny," Natsu said as a matter of fact. Gray lightly punch his shoulder, resulting for Natsu to laugh at him. Natsu's laugh was contagious, Gray was able to sneak a small smile on his face before the ash-breath noticed.

"Just get in," Gray ordered. Natsu stopped fooling around and obeyed.

He knows that Gray was a demanding person but sometimes he just couldn't help but obey him. And that said, means a lot. Gray really knows how to show his strength in manner you wouldn't expect. Ice magic surely suited him. Cold but beautiful. Gray gives off a cold imitation unlike Natsu's fiery advances. Gray is calm and collected.

Natsu is reckless and instinctual. Both are opposite, but can compliment each other. Natsu can give warmth to the coldness Gray gives and Gray can cool down the heat Natsu emits. Whether this is true or not, Natsu knows he and Gray are equal. Exactly rivals. He believes that. After all, it is pure instincts, and a dragon does not defy it's instincts. He's not just saying this because of his unresolved... what? Emotions? -Whatever it is- he feels towards the other.

"We're stopping at a restaurant. I don't have time to wait for you to finish cooking," Gray scowled.

"Fine. You're paying though," Natsu said with a smirk. Gray only groaned an agreement.

They drove to a street, familiar to Natsu. Gray parked and they both exited. Yup, it was the restaurant Lyon took him for breakfast . But, instead of Breakfast House, it was now named Lunch House. He wondered at that and turned to Gray.

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