Chapter 22:Shadow and Light

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The trio was happily eating until their phone vibrated. They exchanged glances and dragged their phones, opening it to the process. Lucy sent them a photo. Wait! Since when did she have their number? Never mind. They opened the file and their eyes twitch. Lucy sent them a stolen shot of Natsu. Sting got pissed and snatched Gray's phone.

"Hey, what the--Give it back!" Gray demanded. Sting scowled and harshly typed into Gray's phone.

Hearing a beep, he threw it back to the raven who growled at him. Gray checked his phone and he sooner laughed out loud. Sting joined the laughter, leaving a confused Rogue. Then, Gray's phone vibrated and he laughed even more louder.

"What did she say?" Sting asked as he hung his arm around Gray's neck.

"See for yourself," He answered between his laughter.

Sting busted into a fit of laughter and Gray joined. They didn't know how loud they were, Rogue got irritated for the loudness and for being left out, he cleaned the table and started to wash the dishes, sooner he heard thumping sounds and cold wind run through his spine. He quickly hid under the table, the other two didn't seem to notice.

"Both of you. What do you think are you doing?" The two quickly froze and hesitated to look at that direction. They found Natsu standing in the door, head down, eyes dark and sharp, and emitting a very dark aura. Natsu gave them a very sharp blade like glare.

Later that night, Rogue discovered that hiding under the table while the other two had to suffer from Natsu hypotension problems was very comvinient. Disturbing Natsu from his sleep is like disturbing a dragon from its hybernation. Natsu was back in the bed and sleeping so soundly as if nothing happened. While the other two were, let's just say they were burnt out. Rogue crawled out and sighed at the damage.

"Seriously..." he muttered. "What a mess," he growled and as cruel as it sounds. He literally kicked those two burnt-into-crisp outside and grabbed a broom to clean the kitchen.

After a few hours of cleaning, he checked the time, 2:05 a.m. He groaned and suddenly felt tired. He walked pass the smoking figures and went to the bathroom to take a bath and head to bed. After he was done, he didn't bother waking Sting nor Gray up and just laid directly back to his bed and slept.

3 a.m

"God damn it. Wake up!" Rogue's eyes shot open after hearing Sting's yelling. "Why didn't you wake me up? Now I'm all dirty and my body itches," he complained. Rogue groaned and flopped back down.

"Sting, Why can't you just hit the shower and sleep?" he said. Sting grunted and left. Satisfied, he went back to sleep.


It was snowing, the winter breeze was called. A young boy was wondering alone. Turning his heads to any direction. He hugged himself and adjusted his scarf, walking aimlessly in the mountain. He shivered as the wind passed.

"Sting?" He called, but no one answered. The wind grew stronger. "Sting! Answer me!" he yelled. His hair blew around his face and the snow was starting to form a blizzard.

It was getting colder. He turned and spotted a cave. He quickly ran there. At least the cold feeling dropped. Just his luck, a blizzard started. He waited inside. He huffed at his freezing hands and rubbed them together. Trying to create friction to heat up his freezing from. It's not just from the outside, it's as if his own blood had gone cold and solidified. He was scared, but he was even more worried. 

"Gue... Rogue!" He heard. He stopped moving, his eyes widen as it teared up. 

"Sting? Sting!" he called. A figure started to form. A small blonde run to the cave.

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