Chapter 30:What I say,is what you know

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Since then, tension had built up between Natsu and Jellal. Those who were with them had tried to make the two reconcile. But it all showed the same results. Fail. A complete fail. Natsu wouldn't even look at Jellal and Jellal has too much pride to back down. It was becoming troublesome. 

Even Erza and Ultear had given up on fixing their relationship. It was affecting their job. As soon as Jellal enters the comfort of his office, he would question his existence and sell himself short from slapping Natsu. He couldn't take it, and so his responsibilities suffered. 

"Enough already!" Erza scolds as paper flew over her from her sudden outburst. Ultear calmly set her tea cup aside and caught the rolling pen before it falls off. They both eyed Jellal, whose soul was floating out in the open.

"Jellal, please get a hold of your rationality. You can't focus on your job anymore," Ultear reminds. Jellal straightened up and eyed Erza in her devil more, he sweat drops. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry," he mutters then read the stack of paper. Not long later, he gets distracted again.

"Seriously?!" Erza exclaims, Ultear sighed and massaged for forehead, trying to ease the wrinkles forming. 

'We'll never finish in time,' she thought as she felt the headache approaching. She turns to the other two, Erza shaking Jellal vigorously, yelling at the other, whilst Jellal gets shook like a rag doll. "Are they suppose to be the leaders of this school?" she questions flatly. 

Students were scattered around the halls. Helping the council prepare for the school dance. Lucy hadn't been talking to Natsu lately and Loke has been ignoring Lucy. He doesn't even bat an eyelash towards her anymore.Lucy felt dejected.

Maybe Loke finally gave up. Natsu was probably right. She sighed heavily and directed a girl to hang those lights. In a corner of the room. Natsu was leaning against the wall and watched Lucy's expression. He chuckled. Lucy glanced at the opposite part of the room and watched Loke operate along with Gray. Natsu followed the gaze and inwardly smiled.

'What will you two do now...' he asked in his mind. He stood up and headed to the exit. Gray caught sight of him and watch him intently until he disappeared out. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to his friend.

"Something wrong,man?" Loke asked. Gray shook his head and smirked.

"No. Hey, you've been very distant to Lucy for a while now. Something that matter?" He asked. Loke paused, but didn't turn to look at Lucy. He huffed a smile then turned to Gray.

"No. I'm just thinking things over," Loke responded. Gray frowned. After his 'talk' with Natsu. He came to a full realization how coward both Lucy and Loke is, so he decided to let himself side Natsu.

"And you think staying away is your answer to this?" He folded his arms and snapped at him. Loke flinch and gave a sad smile.

"No. Everything that man said dropped like a bomb to me .So now, my mind is still clouded. I'm going to rethink myself out and try to sort my problems for a while." He answered. Gray returned a nod. "I can't rush when I'm not even prepared."

"Be sure to do that bro. I don't think Lucy can hang on anymore,"  He whispered to himself as he watched Loke's fangirls ravish him. Though, Lucy's pained eyes didn't go unnoticed by the raven. He sighed once again. 'Natsu. What are you thinking?' he thought.

Meanwhile. Natsu was looking for a tall woman with thick lip-stick on her face and a childish,china hair style.Minerva is surely a woman to watch out for,even Natsu can feel her strong magic.He sighed again.How is he going to deal with this? His plan with Lucy and Loke are working out well.Minerva is another main problem.There's also Gray

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