Chapter 36: Not just an item

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 The rivals walked uncomfortably back to Gray's car with a tense atmosphere. No one said a word since then. No one dared at spare a glance at the other. They know once they do, they'll just get more uncomfortable. Natsu was the most affected one. Gray is aware of it, just by standing near the fiery idiot, he can completely tell just by the mumbling and fidgeting. Natsu was having a storm in his head. He just blurted something very disturbing to his rival.  

Gray fiddled with his keys, hands shaking due to nervousness. He clicked his tongue in annoyance and bit his lip to stop his shaking. He was finally able to insert the keys and started the engine. He tried to spare a glance at his companion but he stopped himself. Natsu's comment really bothers him, when he shouldn't be and looking at Natsu reminds him about it. Gray took a deep breath. Suddenly, everything felt heavy and unbearable for Natsu.

"What are you waiting for? Get in," He snapped unintentionaly. Natsu flinched at his tone and Gray clicked hos tongue for that. Surely, Natsu took it on a whole new meaning.

'Oh great. He hates me now,' he thought with an eye roll. He got in and buckled his sit belt. 'Wait, why do I care if he hates me?' he thought in realization. 

The car started and Natsu's eyes widen when he felt a hot stinging pain traveling up to his throat. He quickly stuck his head out and his lunch surge and he threw up. Gray abruptly stopped the car and gawked at Natsu. When Natsu sat back, he was pale and breathless. 

"What wrong with you?" Gray asked and tried to reach for Natsu.

Natsu only groaned and looked down to his scarf. Happy puffed out and placed a paw at Natsu's cheeks. Natsu nuzzled to the small paw and lifted his collar. His eyes widen and he paled even more. Gray was tempted to asked him.

"I lost it," he heard Natsu mumble.

"Lost what?" he asked.

"My charm! My necklace," Natsu exclaimed with panic. "It prevents my motion sickness,"

"So what? You can just buy a new one," Gray shrugged nonchalantly.

Wrong answer.

'Wait. If his motion-sickness kicked the second the charm disappeared, does that mean Rogue wasn't able to ask Porlyusica to bless my car?' lost in his though, Gray failed to notice Natsu's anger, he winced when Natsu threw a deadly glare at him.

"It was not just an item! It was a gift from my aunt! " he yelled, surprising Gray. Gray, for the first time, saw Natsu angry. But with a different meaning, a sentimental meaning. 

"Okay, okay. We'll go look for it. Geez!" Gray felt agitated. It must've been really important. Natsu jumped out of the car and didn't even wait for Gray.  Gray was left in dust. He groaned and followed Natsu to where ever he was going. 

They didn't bother going back to the cafe since they drove to the park, and Natsu was still fine at that time. So, they directly search for it. Well, mostly Natsu did. Gray checked from shrubs to shrubs until he remembered something. He face palmed at his own stupidity. Natsu noticed his halt and frowned.

"Why are you stopping? Help me look for it!" Natsu ordered. Gray slid his hands and started to rub his temples. "It was partly your fault I lost it," Natsu quietly pouted and scavaged through the bushes.

"Hey, Flame-brain. What does your necklace exactly look like?" he grumbled. Natsu rose a brow then frowned. 

"Let's see," Natsu stopped for a moment and started to think. "Well, it has a blue gem," he pointed. Gray stared at him-dumbfounded.

"That's all?" he asked incredulously. Natsu scratch his cheek, another trait he does when his nervous or uncomfortable. 

"Well, yes," Natsu answered hesitantly. "As far as I can remember," he added and laughed nervously, trying to crack a smile. Gray felt his blood rise to his head, he took deeps breaths before he sighed.

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