Chapter 17: The Proof

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It was during the Combat Training, Ms. Virgo decided for them to experience a Tag Team fight. In which the pairings were decided in the most fairest method, where no one can complain about it being unfair. It was a method where fate can test their luck. That being said, Natsu's luck was worst of all. 

"Why am I paired to you?" Gray, his partner, grumbled.

"I'd like to know the answer too," Natsu replied monotonously. 'Seriously... why?'

"Dammit! This is ridiculous!" Gray shouted. Sting laughed out loud, fueling the range within the duo.

"Serves ya right, you Ice-bastard!" That irked Natsu.

"Wait till I get my hands on you, you buzzing bee," Gray threatened.

"Boohoo, I'm scared," Sting faked, shaking his palms mockingly. 

"Eucliffe and Heartfillia!" Ms. Virgo called. Sting's mocking stopped, and everything crumbled. Lucy quivered.

"S-seriously?" she shook from head to toe. "I'll be killed!" 

"Lu, d-don't worry," Levy comforted, which did nothing. They look over to Sting, who was still trying to process the happenings, then Gray's laughter erupted.

"What were you sayin'?" he snickered, still holding his laughter, which he failed. 

"The fuck--! What the hell!" he screamed. 

"Stop screaming, ya damn brats!" Ms. Virgo ordered, swinging her whip in thin air. 

"I can't accept this!" Sting protested. Ms. Virgo sent him a death glare, which he returned with the same intensity.

"And what is your reason?" she questioned.

"That bitch is weak as fuck!" he growled. "I don't want to lose in such a goddamn way!" he pointed Lucy, who's worried face turned into a sour twist, disgusted by his words.

"Then don't lose, asshole," Natsu interrupted, eyes cold, fangs bared, expression dark. "If you think you're so goddamn amazing, then fucking win."

"Hah? What did' ya say, you fucker," Sting growled and grabbed Natsu's collar, and glared straight to his eyes. Sting's eyes flared with range, but Natsu contradicted it with his bored ones. Sting's ranged rises.

"Break it off," Mr. Guildarts flatly says, clapping his hands to catch their attentions. He gently pulled the duo away, Sting refused but after seeing Guildart's warning look, he conceded. Natsu clicked his tongue and turned away. 

"Ya okay?" He asked, Lucy nodded her head. Natsu sighed and patted her shoulder before walking away. 

"Learn to accept the situation, will ya!" Loke cheered, hanging his arm around Sting's shoulders. 

"Hah?!" Sting snapped. Loke pulled himself closer to Sting's ear.

"If you talk to her like that again, I'll kill you," he whispered and pulled away, giving off his usual smile, as if he just didn't threaten Sting. 

"Try it then, lover boy," Sting sneered, cracking his knuckles.  

"Bastard," Loke chirped, still holding on to his fake facade. Sting stepped forward, but a hand stopped him.

"Sting, give it up," Rogue sighed. 

"Let go," the other muttered, back facing Rogue. Rogue peeked over Sting's shoulder and made eye contact with Loke, Rogue shook his head, Loke relaxed and turned away.

'Only this once because you asked for it,'  he thought. As if getting his thoughts, Rogue thought his gratitude. 

"Get back here!" 

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