Chapter 19: Frustrations

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It was a mistake. It was a goddamn mistake! This was a bad idea. Why is he here anyway? Why did he come here anyway? And no! He is NOT worried of the flame-brain. No, never. Not is a million years.


"Okay... maybe a little," Gray mumbles. Then another silence. "Never!" He screams.

Natsu and the nurse sweatdropped. "What is that idiot doing?" Natsu mumbles.

"Is he alright?" The nurse asked as she cut the bandage around Natsu's torso.

"Who knows..." he deapans. Then another scream was heard. Natsu sneered.

The door opened and Gray froze. He shakily turned to the nurse, who was staring at him with both worry and annoyance. The nurse bowed and Gray did the same, almost hesitantly.

"Please be aware that this is a hospital. Don't create a commotion," she scolded.

"Uh.. sure," he answers. The nurse motioned for him to enter.

Gray peeked from the door and flinched when he met Natsu's glare. The other was sitting at the edge of the bed, both arms and legs crossed, like a mother waiting for her child to lower its gaze. Natsu tilted his head further, motioning for Gray to enter. Gray strainghtened and entered.

'Play it cool. Pretend you're not affected,' he thinks. If you look closely, you can clearly see Gray being uncomfortable.

"Why are you here?" Natsu reprimanded.

'Shit. I can't do this...'

"I'm just here to check on you," Gray shrug.

"You? Check on me? Me?" Natsu look skeptical. Gray, of all people that exist, is the last person Natsu was expecting.

"Yeah. What's wrong woth that?" Gray frowned. Natsu blinked. That was completely unexpected.

"Okay...." Gray started to relax and so did Natsu, but the second he moved, pain immediately kicked in and he flinched. Gray didn't miss that.

"You should rest," he began to notice that bandages wrapped around the other, the bruises and the cuts.

"What about you? Aren't you the same?" Natsu growls and applied pressure to his torso, trying to hide a his.

Gray rolled his eyes and pulled the chair Rogue was sitting on a few minutes ago. "This is nothing compared to yours, stupid,"

"Stu-- now listen here b--"

"You and Sting busted the field and Jellal was pissed as fuck. Especially my sister, she had to clean up your whole mess?"

"Your mess? The four of us were responsible. Don't take this out on my just because Ultear scolded you,"

'Damn, he got me,'

"And you even use that freaky magic of yours!"

"Its not freaky! Its Devil Slaying Magic,"

"Yeah. Whatever. All in all, its all of our fault. You included,"

"Oh shut it,"

Natsu stayed silent and Gray took that as an invitation to continue. "You both morons were out cold for three days," then it hit Natsu.

"Huh? What? What happened? How's Lucy?"

"Lucy and me are fine. Ms. Virgo was able to pull us both away from you two. Guildarts tried to crush your magic but he was a little late and both elements clashed," Gray solemnly explained. Natsu swallowed the lump in his throat.

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