Day 2 of the Dare pt2.

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From AOTKawaiiFangirl.

"Natsu..~~" \( ̄▽ ̄)\ /( ̄▽ ̄)/ "C'mere!" I yelled.

"What is it this time?" he grumbled.I pointed at the screen. "AOTKawaiiFangirl: I dare Natsu to avoid Gray for a day." he grumbled. "That wouldn't be too hard." he shrug.

"Really? Considering of what happened at your one-week-dare?" I snickered.

"W-well.I-i-I did enjoy it.But,you don't need to point it out!" he yelled.

"You're starting to wike hwim,don't cha.." I teased.

"No,I do not.!" he protested.

"Oh yea,sure.." I sarcastically said. "Hey,did you know that Gray has a picture of you where you wore that gown?" I asked.

"What?!" he yelled in surprise. "I got to get that bastard." he hissed.

"Hey,you have a dare remember,and you said it wouldn't be too hard,right..?" I sneered and he cursed.

"You purposely told me,didn't you?" he growled and I just nodded.┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌ .

"Good luck~" 


'Avoid him..It's not that hard...right?....right?' he thought with a doubt.

"Hey.Flame-brain.!' oh no!,he knows that voice.He stopped then automatically,turn and ran. "Hey!" Gray called but no answer.'What the hell?' Gray thought in confusion.

"Hey,Gray." Loke called and patted his shoulder,he followed Gray's gaze. "Hey,isn't that Natsu?" he asked pointing,Gray nodded.

"The Flame-brain ran as soon as he saw me." he hissed.

"Hm.Maybe he's embarrast?" Loke guessed.

"About what?" he asked and the two started to walk.

"" he said. "I mean, you two dated for seven--." 

"Actually 5" Gray corrected.

"Okay,5 straight day and you clearly watched over and took care of him while he was sick." Loke pointed.

"What are you trying to say?" he asked.

"He might...or kinda of or I don't know,really had fallen for you?" he answered unsure.Gray's jaw dropped.

"Stop assuming things." he said and puched the lion on the shoulder lightly.

"What?" he laughed. "Just saying." he said with a shrug.

Natsu ran all the way to Lucy's apartment.He vigorously knock as if his life depends on it.Lucy finally opened her door and Natsu rushed in,she didn't bother to yell since this is how Natsu barged in,atleast he was considerate enough to knock.

"Now,what is your problem that you'd walked up here 8 a.m in the morning just to bother me?" Lucy yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"First of all,it's already 9,second,I need to avoid Gray.." He explained and flopped on the couch,Lucy's eyes flew wide open.

"Why do need to avoid Gray?" he asked and sat on the opposite side of the couch.

"It's my dare." Natsu swiftly answered.

"Okay,why are you even doing this dare?"she asked in awe.

"Sayaka is blackmailing."  he shrugged. "And you're lucky you don't get any dares." he grunted.Lucy just smiled smugly.

"Okay,but aren't you at disadvantage here?" she asked.Natsu arched a brow. "You two dated 5 times,don't you think he'll misunderstand if you avoided him right away,and you know;he kinda took care of you while you were sick" she pointed out and Natsu blushed.

"I-I-I can't risk losing another dare." he stammered.

"Why?" she got curious and leaned onto her hand.

"Sayaka said she's gonna make me do something embarassing if I lose 4 dares out of 7." she explained.

"What if you don't do it?" she asked and straighten up.

"She's gonna spread my photo while I was in that wedding dress." he shuddered at the thought.Lucy got a straight face (--_--) then suddenly laughed her ass off. "That's not funny.!" he yelled.

"Bu-ahahaha-it is..hahahahaha!" she choke out and held her stomach.

"Lucy!" he scolded.

"Alright,so-oh-oh-oh-rry." she apologized.She then sighed deeply and faced Natsu with a smile. "So,you wanna avoid him,that's understandable,considering it is a dare." she pointed. "Then,why don't you entertain yourself." she suggested.

"That sounded wrong." Natsu grunted,Lucy thought back about her words then gasped.

"Sorry,I didn't mean it that way" she protested and shook her hands in panic."What I meant was,you go around,stay home and play or hang-out. "She shrugged.

"I like the second option more" he nonchantly said,Lucy was dumbfounded at first.She sighed,of course video games.But she smiled,they talked for hours and Natsu cooked them lunch,and then talked some more,was planning to leave and continue his plan to play video games,Natsu opened the door and stood there frozen,seeing both Loke(who was about to knock) and Gray..Off all people.Gray glared at him,he panic,and backed away.

"Hey,why are you avoiding me?" Gray ask in a cold tone.

"I-uhm..You see....Lucy help!" He cried only to find her sweet-talk with Loke. 

"Answer me.." Gray demanded,and followed Natsu's footsteps.Natsu heard the door shut and found out that Loke and Lucy left them.Natsu kept backing away and averted Gray's gaze.

'It doesn't count as long as I'm still avoiding him..Right? I hope.' he thought.He felt a thud,he lost his balance and fell on the couch,with Gray hovering him.Gray was still keeping a piercing gaze,Natsu could feel it.

"Natsu.." Gray called,Natsu swallowed the lump on his throat,he could feel Gray's icy breath passing by his neck,even though he had his scarf on.Gray's eyes twitched in annoyance,he started to lean closer and closer and closer...

"Alright,this is my dare and now I lost....again!" Natsu yelled and pushed Gray off.

"Ow.!.Seriously!." Gray yelled and sat up. "Avoiding me after going out?" he hissed.

"Yes!" Natsu yelled in frustration.


"I though they were gonna kiss!." Lucy pouted. Why?!" she whined and turned to me.

"Hey,I'm not that nice to give the readers what they wanted" I protested.

"You are so evil..." Erza said and took a slice of cake.

"I know!" I chirped. "By the way..Gray!" I yelled across the room and he came,with his clothes on."There's a question for you.." 

"Alright then.What is it?" he asked.

"It's from AOTKawaiiFangirl: She asked on how you figured out that,that bride was Natsu." He hummed for a while then smirked.

"First all off,not many girls in our school has the same kind of pink shade like his,and the heat was very similar." he answered.

"Oh~So,you were observing Natsu?" Luck snickered.

"You'll can right away if you always fight him." he shrug. "Alright,I'm going to bed now." he bid.

"With Natsu~"we girls continued and he blushed. 

Natsu lost another dare


8/17/15 9:35p.m. Here's your dare. AOTKawaiiFangirl.

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