Chapter 27: Abide Integrity (1)

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That was what the atmosphere was screaming. Gray stood there at the end, and Natsu was standing at the opposite end. Both were boring bullets at each others heads. Gray had to admit, Natsu's glare was scarier than his mom, but he would never admit it to the idiot verbally.

"What the hell's your problem?" Natsu petulantly said.

"Bastard," Gray spat back. Without another thought,Gray cast at him an attack. Natsu stumbled back in the front lawn.

"What's wrong with you?!" Natsu yelled, sitting up. Gray glared down at him.

"What makes you think you have the right to act so high and mighty like you know everything," He snarled.

"Hah?" Natsu snarled back then he realized something. 'Wait a minute... Does he... know?'

"Oh telling him he's a heartless-playboy to just takes girls and leaves them as if nothing happens right away. Yeah. That's the truth," Gray said with sarcasm.

"You know it is..." Natsu deadpan. An irk mark appeared on Gray's forehead.

"You idiot! He's not heartless! He's only doing that to take his mind off with a few things," Gray reasoned.

"I'm not gonna pry what those things are but doesn't give me enough reasons to tell he's not heartless!" Natsu hollered. Gray's shoulders relaxed, Natsu could sense the low atmosphere around Gray.

"Not just those issues, flame-brain. It's also because of Lucy," Gray said softly. Natsu downcast his eyes.

'Don't talk about him in that soft voice...' he thought. He sat properly up and looked up to Gray. 'Look at me. I'm right here, in front of you.' 

Sensing the confusion,Gray continued. "You have no idea how long he endured those moments where he sees Lucy flirting with other guys. To be ignored and misunderstood." 

"Still. It's not right to do that to a girl. He believes in himself, and you shouldn't get in the way. Gray." Natsu said calmly. Gray's eyes widen, Natsu rarely calls him by his name, and when he do, then he must be dead serious. .

Why can't you see that?!

"Me? I'm the one getting in his way?" he questioned. "It's you! Weren't you the one who discouraged him! He believes in himself? Stop fucking around!" he yells and punched him. Natsu stumbled and glared at him, retaliating with another hit. "You were the one who took him for granted. His feelings are not toys!"

"How sure can you be?" Natsu growled and aimed for his legs, but Gray was faster. He twisted his body and kicked Natsu's back with his heel. 

"I know him more than you do! He can get hurt too. He's human too!" 

"He makes mistakes, is that what you want to say?!" Natsu flamed his hands and gave Gray an uppercut and  elbowed his gut.

"What would know?!" Gray yelled. Natsu froze, he's tormenting himself. Dread washed over him as he saw the understanding in Gray's eyes. Gray's eyes are on him, but they're not looking at him. 

"Loke is bad for Lucy. As his friend, you should know that Lucy does not see him that way," he says. It's a lie, he knows it. 

"Don't put words on Lucy's mouth!" Gray ran to him, grabbing Natsu by the collar and punched him, freezing his legs then kneed his legs. Natsu spat his saliva as he felt air get knocked out of his system. "I know Loke, he loves Lucy. Why can't you see that?!"

"Aren't you the one putting words in Loke's mouth?" Natsu rumbles as he coughed and huff for air. It hurts. It really does. 

"I heard it from Loke himself..." Gray answers calmly. "And I'm sure he told you too himself."

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