Chapter 42-- Feeling Pain is Normal

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School started on August 20th 2ø15
And so has my deathwish!

Hooray! *glares at people* you know nothing.

I hate school, I really do, I hate stereotypical people and make people feel bad.

How was y'all day?

Also, I will remake those messed up chapters so yeah.

Also I may be gone a little longer since I've been having what my doctor said "mental breakdown" or "relapsing" so IM JUST SAYING THIS SO YOU'LL KNOW WHY I'LL BE GONE.

QOTD: Death is not friendly. It's dark, black where you look at it. You're all alone. ~Misaki Mei.

2QOTD: How does it feel to not exist? ~Misaki Mei.

Fabian Mente...

My fingers brushed the journal, I had finished reading the same day I got it. Jona was sitting next to Laney and caressing her cheek, he was sad about her being like this. Sandra was sitting far away from everyone, she was just alone with Sam next to her, Kaleb was sitting the other side next to Laney in a chair while I was sitting away from them.

I told Maxwell to go with Torres and Diggs to find out more about Laney's parents and family, her relatives don't know anything about this I bet. However they are traveling right now, who will take care of Laney?
The adoption center will want her, they will take her away.

I just sat there, what can I do? How can I let them understand that Laney needs to be with us? Maxwell came with Diggs and Torres, I just looked at Sandra. How long has it been since I held her in my arms? So long, I need someone to be with me right now. I can't be like this anymore but it'll make me look weak, I can't let that happen. Diggs turned to look at Sandra, he told her something and gave it to her. Sandra didn't respond to him like usual, Sandra hasn't been sleeping from what I saw.
I remember that before we dated that she looked like she was tired and cranky, then while we were dating she looked perfectly fine...and now, she looks like her old self. I saw what he gave her, it two same looking pills and one different looking pill.

She just nodded at what he was telling her, I looked at the wall.

"The doctor is here." I turned to look at the doctor who was an old man in his fifties, he took notes on how Laney was.

"She'll wake up any time soon, if she does, please call me." He said, we all nodded. I just looked at the time, it goes slow everyday since she's been unconscious.

She's been like this for three days now.


Since the doctor told us she might wake up today, I was hoping it would be soon. It's actually been three hours since the doctor has been here, Kaleb was still next to Laney and I was looking from afar.

Sandra went home with Sam and Jona, Max was sitting next to me.

"How long is he going to be here?" Maxwell asked in a whispering voice, I turned to look at him and shrugged.
"I have no idea."

"What are we going to do about Laney being put in adoption?" I shook my head, they won't let me have her with me. I saw a shadow, I looked to see Kaleb, he look tired and basically f*cked.

"I'll take her with me, my parents will be her guardians." Oh please, you can't be serious.

And he looked serious. Wow, okay well then...

"How serious can you be?"

"Very, I know you don't want her to be gone." Right. I didn't say anything, Kaleb was sitting with Laney again.
Max just sat there and waited, I don't know how long it took her to wake up but when she finally did, it made me glad.

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