Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Maura’s pov

Holy guacamole, my head. What happened last night? What time is it?

"Maura, get up. You have to go school” my mum says walking into my room and opening the curtains.

"Mum, go away" I say throwing a pillow to her.

"Maura, you ok?" Casper asks when my mum left.

"What happened last night?"

"You were drunk and Andy kissed you"

"Wait what? Why did he do that?”

"Sush, mum doesn't know you were drunk, or what happened. So get your lazy ass up, and go to school"

"Andy's going to die"

After I took a shower I put my hair in a bun. Take some clothes out of my closet and put them on.

"You ready?" Casper asks me.

"Yeah" I say grabbing my bag and an apple, so I won’t totally starve during lunchtime.

"Bye mum" we say as we walk outside.

We are a bit late so we go by bike. But I'm a lazy ass so Casper drives the bike and I’m sitting on the porter.

"Hi Marcus" I say when we arrive at school.

"Hi Miss Malik" Marcus says while I open my locker.

"Shut up, nothing special happened. We just told a bit about ourselves, and talked about random stuff, like thinks we like or hate and so on”

"Sure, and I’m the next president of America"

"Really? Cool!" I say closing my locker while we hear the school bell.

"Tell me what really happened yesterday"

"I just told you. We talked, had coffee and Nando's. If you don't believe me just ask him, I know you like to stalk him on twitter"

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