Chapter Forty-Nine

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Chapter Forty-Nine

Maura’s pov

So that was surprisingly fun. I thought it would be so awkward, but instead, I had a great time. We talked, just walked through the busy streets of London.

We are currently walking over to the place of the accident, I don’t really want to face the place where I kind of almost died, and neither doe Zayn, but maybe together we’re stronger then we think.

He tells me how the situation looked, how my car was lying on the roof, how I looked and that the man who caused the accident only had a broken arm. I think of the accident, how fast everything went, how Zayn’s face was the last thing I saw. I look at Zayn and see how mad he is when he talks about it. The hazel color of his eyes is changed into a dark brown almost black one, his big hands are balled into fists, and he bites his jaws.

"Zayn, are you ok?" I ask seriously worried.

"Yes, can we go, please?"

"Sure" I say while we start walking away.

"I can't believe that you aren't mad at that man"

"The one from the truck?"

"Yes, he almost killed you! The doctors said that if the ambulance was a couple of minutes later you'd be dead"

"I know, Zayn, I know"

"And you're not even mad?"

"There is nothing that can be changed so why should I be mad?"

"Maura, you could have been dead, I could've lost you forever"

"Really, so that's what this is about? You?"

"No, Maura, it's just that if I were the one who got into a coma I would be so pissed off by that person who cost the accident. Knowing that I could have been dead, and that I would never be able to see my friends and family, to preform, to tell people how I really feel, to get married and start a family, and I can't see why you're being so cold about it"

"I know that, I know that I could have been dead, that I would never see you, the boys, Casper, Nick or Marcus again, that I could never sing, play guitar or piano, travel the world... But nagging about it doesn't help. Being mad at that man doesn't help. I'm totally fine now, I'm happy that I'm alive. I learned to be happy with all the things I have, all the people around me,  because one day, they will disappear forever, and never get back, and then I'll miss them, and regret the time I didn't spent with them" 

I have to keep myself from bursting into tears. We've locked eyes the whole time, and I can see he's worried, but about what? If I wasn't such a pussy, I would have told him how I feel, and I would have kissed him. But no, the world hates me, and made me a pussy.

"Oh my god, hi Zayn" some girls say.

He looks away and smiles friendly.

"Hello love" he says acting like nothing happened.  

"Can we get a picture?"

Zayn looks towards me, knowing that I just want to go home and cry.

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