Chapter 2 The Stranger

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  Once I was on the flight, I found my seat again. First class was nice. As soon as I sat down, a flight attendant came and asked if I wanted a pillow or a refreshment. "Just a pillow please." I was going to want to hide my tears. She smiled and handed me the pillow. I rolled over and laid on the pillow facing the window. A few minutes later, I felt my neighbors arm brush mine as they sat down. He was busy talking, so I ignored him.

  As the plane took off, I reached in my pocket and got my iPod and headphones. I played my pick-me-up song. Once I got to R5, I played "Smile" and laid my head back down, laying my iPod on my hip. After it repeated a few times, there was a tap on my shoulder. I pulled the ear bud out of my ear, not bothering to roll over. "Y-Yeah?" I sobbed.

  "You like that song, huh?" The sweet voice asked me. I nodded, not trusting my voice. "Does it make you smile?" He asked. I just nodded again. "Hey, are you okay?" What was with this boy and questions? He picked up my lose ear bud, "May I?" Again, I nodded.

  "What can I do to make you feel alright? Baby I don't wanna see you cry, oh no." I smiled just a little. This stranger was trying so hard to make me feel better. He leaned into my ear and whispered, "I wanna see you smiiiiiiiiile. I wanna see you smiiiiiiiile." He kept singing in my ear until I was smiling, and not just faking it. "Feel better?"

  I rolled over to face the stranger. My eyes were still foggy from not sleeping last night and crying since I woke up this morning. "Yeah, thanks!" I smiled at him. I couldn't see clearly, but he was cute. Once he saw my face, he frowned. He rubbed my eyes with the back of his fingers, not helping my vision, but the act was sweet.

  There was something about him I liked. I just couldn't pin point it. I mean, he was cute, that much I could tell. I smiled again, than looked down at his shoulder. Why was I doing this with this guy. It looked safe, he made me feel safe, and he made me smile. Without asking his permission, I laid my head down on his shoulder as a few sobs escaped. He threw his arms around my shoulders, shifting his body to hug me in both arms. The action caused my face to fall from his shoulder to his chest. He didn't seem to mind though, and neither did I.

  "Dude, what's going on over there?" I heard another male voice say from next to my stranger.

  My stranger only growled, tightening his hold around me. His neighbor didn't say another word. "Are you thirsty?" I heard a whisper in my ear. Now that he mentioned it, my throat was raw. I nodded, and he took one arm off of me, handing me a bottle of water. Please put your arm back I thought when I got a drink and handed the bottle back to him. It was like he read my mind, or he was enjoying the contact as much as I was. His arm went back around me.

  I slid my hand from under my cheek and laid it on his chest. Wow, hot chest. Wow, that was a corny thought. Just stop thinking, I thought to myself. Okay, this is hard to do. I silently chuckled over my argument with myself in my head. "What's funny?" I leaned my head up, able to see the strangers features now. From my view, he wasn't just cute.

  "Arguing with myself in my head. It's not as bad as it sounds, or maybe it is." He smiled, wow, what a smile. Damnit! "I'm not s-sure y-yet!" I was lost for words. His smile grew. "Wow, umm..." I looked back down. This time he laughed, causing me to laugh too. "Okay, I'm good now. I think." He hesitantly moved one arm, but I didn't move. I forgot how.

  I felt his head lay on the top of mine, and felt his smile grow. I couldn't hep but sigh, leaning tighter into his chest. After a few minutes he spoke. "Are you from LA, or just going to visit?"

  "I'm from LA now. Hours ago I lived in Kentucky." Why was I telling him this?

  "Oh yeah? Why are you moving?" He seemed genially curious.

  "Birthday present from my mom." I said quietly. I was about to start crying again. I guess he could tell, he started to rub my back.

  "Dude, come here. We need a meeting. We are almost home." It was the voice from before.

  "Ugh!" The stranger grunted. "I'll be right back, you be okay?" He asked concerned.

  "Yeah, I think. Hurry back stranger, I wanna thank you before landing." I felt him smile, than softly pulled his arm out, lifting my head with his other hand and gently laying it back down against the seat. After he got up, I watched him walk away.

  I felt torn when he walked away. Why did I feel this way? I soon dosed off waiting for him. When I woke up again, everyone was leaving the plane. Where was my stranger? I didn't get to thank him. Oh well. He was only a stranger. I got my carry on, and walked toward the exit.

  When I left the airport, I went to the address mom had written down and opened the door with the key mom gave me. Of course she kept one for herself, so if she ever wanted to surprise me for a visit. I walked in, not really wanting to look around yet, all I wanted to do was sleep. I found the bedroom and plopped down on the bed, not bothering to take off my shoes. I closed my eyes, and saw my foggy vision of my stranger.

  To make it more real, I was gonna turn on "Smile" and try to hear him singing it. But when I unlocked my iPod, I saw a new contact I didn't put in. The name was, amazingly, Stranger. I smiled brighter. I went back in the living room and got my phone, and typed in the number.

  "Hello!" The strangers voice said.

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