Chapter 27 Ryland's Erika

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When we left his parents house, we both got one last round of congratulations. I smiled and thanked them all again. You know, I may not have my parents here, or even my baby brother, but I did have my new family here, the Lynch's. Not to mention that me and Riker were starting a family of our own. I couldn't wait for little baby Lynch, or to be a mother. Riker was going to make an amazing father, I knew it.

When we got home, the air conditioner still wasn't working. "Damn it, not another night of this." I pulled out my phone, attempting to call my landlord again. Just like this morning, he didn't answer.

Riker looked at me and smiled. "Why don't we go stay at the house tonight. At least there is air conditioner, and I am sure Abby and Madison could use a little love too." I liked that idea. I nodded, and grabbed my phone and Riker and I grabbed some sleeping clothes and clothes for the morning and left right back out the door.

On the way there we drove past the park. "Wanna stop and watch the sunset first?" I liked that idea. I smiled at him and we got out and he came to me, grabbing my hand. We walked over to the hill side away from the view of the main route of the park. I sat down and Riker took a seat right behind me. His arms wrapped around me, both palms resting on my stomach. I smiled and leaned back on him. I saw his smile too.

I turned around and looked at him. He noticed me, but ignored me. All of a sudden, he turned quick and kissed my cheek, turning and facing forward just as fast. The whole action took only a half a second. He smiled, looking innocent. I chuckled, and leaned my head back on his chest. Than he kissed the top of my head.

Inconspicuously he started rubbing small circles on my stomach. I looked down and watched his hands make tiny circles. He did it just noticeable to someone who knew I was pregnant could tell, but otherwise it just looked like he was holding me. I let out a sigh and laid my head back again. Riker leaned in toward my ear. "You okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Perfect actually. I am just thinking back on today. I usually do that, just today has been perfect." I turned around slightly and saw his smile, it made me smile more. I turned around more and pressed my lips to his. His hands moved from my stomach to wrapped around my waist, pulling by back toward him. I was leaned to the side and we were having a little make out session.

Once we pulled apart, I leaned back toward him. He laid his head on the top of mine and sighed himself. Life was perfect. After about 10 minutes of silence we heard someone clear their throat behind us. We both jumped and turned, Riker's arms tightening around me as if he was protecting me. When we turned around, we both saw a familiar face. Riker grunted. I glared at him. "Ryland, I swear I will kill you if you scare me like that again."

He laughed and sat down next to us. Well so much for our romantic evening. "Sorry. I really didn't mean it. I just got into a fight with Ross, I had to get out of the house."

Riker looked at him finally. "What about?"

Ryland laughed. "What else, a girl!"

Riker laughed and loosened his hold on me, not realizing he was still holding me a little tight. I looked up and smiled at him. I loved him from this view. He looked down at me and smiled, than kissed my forehead. I was about to start another make out session, until I caught Ryland from the corner of my eye.

I looked at Ryland and smiled. He looked really down. Just than a dog ran up to him and started kissing him all over. Me and Riker were laughing and Ryland was frantically trying to push the boxer off of him through his own laughs. It was a funny scene. "Maximillian, get over here!" Me and Riker looked over at a girl holding a blue dog leash. The dog got off of Ryland and went running to her. As Ryland sat back up, he looked at her. His facial features froze. I tapped on Riker's shoulder, and when I had his attention I pointed at Ryland. He looked at him and smiled back at me. We both had the same thought, Ryland is in love!

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