Chapter 22 Maybe?

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After the shock wore off of, 'This is my home and my horse' we enjoyed it. We named the horses. I named my Abigail, and Riker named his Madison. He took me out to the barn and showed me all their tackle and saddles. I took Abby into her stable and Riker did the same with Madison. "I'll teach you how to ride tomorrow." He laughed and nodded.

When we walked back to the house, he looked at me. "So, we can start moving anytime."

I smiled at him. "How about tomorrow?"

"Sounds perfect to me." He leaned down and gave me a slow kiss, which quickly changed into a much rougher kiss. "You know, there is a bed already."

I chuckled. "Yes, there is, but we have to get to your families house. You did kind of tell Rydel that we would be coming over, and it has probably been 2 hours now.

He sighed, and started to kiss my neck. "Later than?"

I laughed a little at his mood change. "Wow, someone really is horny today, aren't they?" He moaned into my neck. "After dinner with your family."

He picked his head up smiling. "I'll hold you to that." I laughed as we walked out the door and to his car.

When we got to his parents house, Rydel met us out at the car. "So...tell me tell me tell me!!!" I looked at Riker. I would be in shock, except, I know Rydel.

"Calm down." I put my hands on her shoulders to hold her down, but failed greatly. I sighed and pushed her in Riker's direction. "You deal with her!" I walked to the house and Ross opened the door for me when I walked up the porch. "Hey Ross!"

"Hey Amy." He held the door open. "What's up with Riker and Rydel down there?"

I laughed. "She attacked me when we pulled up, so I sicked Riker on her." We both laughed as they came back up to the house and Rydel was pouting.

"Hey sweetie!" I turned around and saw Stormie coming up to me. She gave me a big hug.

"Hey Stormie." I pulled away and smiled at her.

She gave me the mother look. "Now, how many times do I have to tell you to call me mom?"

Just than Riker walked in with a pouty Rydel. "Okay, mom it is!" She smiled and gave me another hug. "Hi honey, how are you?" She gave Riker a hug.

"Good." Riker looked at her. "I just took Amy to the house."

"Oh, did she like it?" Now everyone was looking at me.

I nodded, and seconds later everyone was paying attention to what they were before she asked that. As she walked away, I looked at Riker. "So, am I the only one who didn't know about this?" He smiled and wrapped his arm around my back as we walked into the living room. Rocky and Ryland was playing a video game, and Ross was on his phone. Rydel had went into the kitchen with Stormie, I mean, mom!

Me and Riker sat on the couch and watched as the guys fought each other on Call of Duty. I laid my head on Riker's shoulder. The food smelled amazing, he caught in secretly sniffing the air. He laughed and kissed the top of my head. My cheeks turned red now.

It was quiet besides the television, until Mark came in. He saw me and Riker sitting on the couch. "Hi kids, nice to see you guys here."

"Yeah, we came by for dinner." And to break the news to everyone. "And Amy was too lazy to cook." He laughed.

"Well, it looks like she was too tired to cook." I didn't realize I was falling asleep until he said that. I gave him a questioning look forcing my eyes to stay open. Mark just laughed and went into the kitchen after saying hi to the other kids in the living room.

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