Chapter 28 Appointment

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You guys ready for this? The big surprise! Hope you enjoy this one! I had a lot of fun writing this!

It was two days later. We were both on the way to the doctor. Riker was holding my hand as we drove. I was nervous, and although he assured me he wasn't, I knew better. He would smile at me every 30 seconds and every time we stopped at a stop light or intersection, he would lean down and kiss the top of my head. I smiled at him every time. But the car was silent. I knew by his silence that he was nervous too. It had that feeling flowing through the air.

When we pulled into the parking lot, we both sat silently for a few seconds. Riker looked down at me laying on his shoulder, staring out the windshield. He squeezed my hand a few times until I looked up at him. When I did, his lips collided with mine. The kiss was passionate and soft and his other hand was on my cheek. After a long minute, he pulled back, resting his forehead on mine. When I opened my eyes he was smiling looking into them deeply.

He smiled wider. "Are you ready?" When he asked, his smile got even wider. I nodded, still not able to speak after our kiss. He got out of the car and ran around before I could open my door. When I gave him my hand, he pulled me out of the car, than kissed it. I smiled while interlocking our fingers. He pushed the car door shut and we walked through the door.

When we went inside, I signed in and the receptionist handed me a clipboard with a few papers on it for me to fill out. I walked over to where Riker was sitting in the corner with his sunglasses on. I laughed at him. "What? I can take them off, if you would like to be attacked?" I shook my head vigorously. He laughed.

"You haven't said a word since we left the house, what's wrong?" He asked after I finished filling out the paper work and took it back to the counter and took my seat next to him. I wrapped my arms around his arm and laid my head on his shoulder. I was still very nervous, and I was scared to tell him that.

I shook my head, burying my face in his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and it helped a lot. "Everything is going to be okay. I know you are scared and worried, maybe a little nervous, but stress isn't going to help anything."

I looked up at him. Now that he mentioned it, I was a little scared and worried too. "I know, I will just feel unsure until I hear it for sure. I can't help it." He softly kissed my forehead.

The door swung open. "Amy?" I looked at the nurse at the door and got up, Riker following right behind me. We walked to her. "Are you Amy Taylor?" she whispered. Thank god, I really didn't want to be noticed and with Riker being with me, it would be worse. I nodded and she held the door open more for me and Riker to get through.

When we got to a large vital room, she started asking me a bunch of questions and taking my vitals. Than she took us to a small exam room. "The doctor will be right in. Get comfortable."

"Thank you!" Me and Riker both said at the same time. She smiled and walked out of the room. I sat on the exam table, fiddling with my fingers while staring at my feet. Riker came in front of me and pulled my hands apart and put them on his shoulders. He used one finger and pushed my face up to look at him. His other hand was resting on my waist. When my eyes looked into his, he leaned down, kissing my lips softly. It eased my nerves and when he felt me relax a little, he pulled back smiling.

For a few minutes, his forehead rested on mine until I was completely relaxed. He always knows how to settle my nerves. "I can't wait to marry you and we have a family together." When he said that, I couldn't help but smile. "Our life will be perfect soon."

"It already is, but perfect can get more perfect." He smiled and leaned down, kissing me again. We pulled away when we heard a knock at the door.

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