Chapter 29 Sharing

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The entire ride to his families house was a peaceful silence. Every time I looked at Riker, he had a smile plastered on his face. When we pulled up, he took the pictures from my hand and put them in the cargo pocket of his shorts. "Hey, I was looking at those!" I yelled at him.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "If we are going to play it cool, you can't have the pictures in his hand."

I crossed my arms and pouted. "Just one more second?" I looked up at him with an innocent smile, pleading with him. He smiled and got out of the car. Before I could open my door, he was there with it already open. I really have to learn to move a little faster. He helped me out of the car. "You know, soon I won't be able to get out on my own."

Than he laughed. "And I will still be helping you out than." He kissed my forehead with both hands on my waist. He pulled one arm away, sliding the other behind my back. Locking the car, he led me toward the house.

When we got to the door, he knocked two quick knocks and walked in. Stormie came to the door right as we closed it. "Hi babies."

She walked over and gave me a hug. "Hi Mama!" She kissed my cheek.

Riker was next. She gave him a hug, whispering something in her ear. When she pulled away, he smiled at her and than smiled at me. "How was your appointment?" She asked, looking back at me.

"Well.." I looked at her. "We decided to tell everyone later." She looked at me for a second, than turned around, shaking her head. I poked Riker's side, and he smiled down at me as I smiled up at him.

"Come have a seat kids. Ryland and Ross are out, everyone else is up stairs." We sat on the couch and had small talk with Stormie. The guys had moved us into our house while Stormie, me and Rydel went house shopping. We were telling her about how we got everything set up when the door opened.

Ross walked into the living room and started to talk until he saw us. "Hey bro, hey sis!" We both nodded. I yawned out of no where, and laid my head on Riker's shoulder. I didn't sleep much last night, worried about the appointment today. I was just about to fall asleep, when the door opened again, and Ryland came through, holding the hand of Erika.

She smiled at Riker and I. "Hey guys, good to see you guys again. Ross looked at her. I laughed.

"Good to see you too Erika. How have you been?" She shrugged.

Ryland looked at Riker. "Not that I don't love you bro, but do you have something to tell everyone again, or are you just coming for a visit. Riker looked at me and smiled. "I take it by your reaction we are having another family meeting?" Riker looked at him and nodded.

Erika looked at Ryland. "I'll go than."

"No, you can hear." I looked at her and she smiled at me. "I want you to stay and hear. You are my best friend." We have bonded a lot over the last 3 days, and I think Riker actually got jealous when I hung out with her. He had all my attention since I moved here.

"That is so sweet. Thank you." She smiled, sitting next to me.

Riker looked at Ryland. "Hey, why don't you go get the others and dad." Ryland nodded and ran off. One by one everyone came down stairs. They all took a seat with Erika and Ryland were sitting next to us.

Once everyone was in the room, Stormie looked at Riker and me. "The floor is all yours!" She seemed eager to know how it went, but only Ryland and Stormie knew about the appointment. I assume Mark did too.

I sat forward, Riker placed his hand on my back. "So, I had my first appointment today." Everyone was suddenly glued on me. I smiled.

"How did it go?" Rydel was eager. Other than Stormie, I think she was more excited than anyone in the room.

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