Chapter 24 Secrets

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I thought Riker was upset about being patient to wait until this morning to take the test, his reaction right now was worse. "Riker, please try to understand, please?" He gave me a scolding look. "Lets just go to the doctor first before saying anything. Than a little while after before saying anything to anyone besides family." I leaned in kissing his cheek. "In 3 more days you can tell your family, okay?"

He turned his head and pouted. Than a grin came across his face, next thing I know I am pinned on the bed. "You are seriously killing me, you know that?" He kissed me softly. "I guess I need to avoid my family for a few days than, because I seriously don't think I can hide it."

I rolled my eyes. "Keeping this from the fans for a few months is going to be hard, isn't it?" Honestly, if I had my way, they wouldn't know at all. They all hate me, and now the comments would be something to the line of 'I only want to keep him around' even though the two of us, family and friends know better than that.

"Well, no, not really!" He laid back down next to me, placing his hand on my stomach. "I am not too happy with them right now. They have some serious making up to do to you."

I sighed. "That will never happen Riker, don't you know better than that. They all hate me. Only a few, and that one I met face to face actually like me." I sighed again. "Social media they don't see you, there for they feel they can say what ever they want to."

He grunted and rolled over on his back, reaching for his phone on the night stand. He pulled up Twitter, and started typing a new tweet.

This is enough. I am sitting here trying to convince Amy that you all don't hate her, but I can't even convince myself. This has gone too far. Any more hate, I will start blocking. If it continues, I will delete my account. Please? TY!

After he posted the tweet, he showed me his phone. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He set the phone back down and rolled back over toward me. "I told you I would take care of it if went too far. And I don't need you stressed, and neither does our unborn child." He leaned down and kissed my stomach. "I love you already my baby, and I will not let anyone hurt or say anything mean to you or Mommy."

I was watching in amazement. I was trying to remember why I was so freaked out about telling Riker I thought I was pregnant yesterday. I couldn't come up with anything. I was still smiling widely when he looked up at me, after kissing my stomach at least a million times. He smiled at me, than leaned back up toward me. "I meant what I said. I love you, and you and my baby, our baby is all that matters to me. If the hate doesn't stop, I will take myself out of the public eye. I just want you guys to be happy."

I was shocked at what he just told me. I know what 'take myself out of the public eye' means, and I was surprised that he would really do that. I loved him, more than I probably should at this point in our relationship, but I wasn't aware that he loved me as much. My only reaction was, you guessed it, crashing my lips onto his. The kiss was sweet and soft.

We were broken up by his phone ringing. He rolled over looking at it, than ignored it and set it back down. A few seconds later mine started ringing. Riker groaned as I got up going across the room to get it. "They really have to kill my good morning buzz, don't they?" I laughed, than looked at the screen. It was Rocky.

A= Amy R= Rocky

A= Hey Rocky!

R= Hey Amy. Is Riker around? Is everything okay?

Riker shook his head. I rolled my eyes at him.

A= Yeah, but he is in the shower. And yeah, everything is fine, why do you ask?

Riker fell back in the bed and sighed in relief. I silently laughed at him.

R= Well, I saw his tweet. Seriously Amy, ignore them.

A= Oh yeah, that!

Riker shot up in the bed.

R= Yeah, ignore the fans. You and Riker are perfect for each other. You will get married and have kids together. You will be happy together forever.

Well, sorta. Probably not in that order though.

A= It's fine Rocky. I just got nosy on Twitter and regretted it. It's all cool now though.

R= Okay, just wanted to make sure you were alright.

A= Thanks Rocky.

R= Remember we all love you. Tell Riker I said hi and I know he isn't in the shower.

A= I will, and how are you so sure about that?

R= Because I know my brother. He hates taking showers this early. He wont unless he absolutely has to.

Well, I had to admit, Rocky had me there. Something tells me when Riker fell back and sighed it wasn't in relief like I thought.

A= Well by the time we got home last night he was tired.

R= You guys left at 8:30?

Damn it, I need to shut up!

A= It was a long day Rocky.

R= What ever you say. Just tell him I said hi.

A= I will Rocky.

R= Love you Amy, bye!

A= Bye, love you too Rocky.

I hung up the phone and looked back at Riker. He was just breaking out in laughter. "What's so funny?" This only made him laugh harder. "Okay, I froze, alright. I hate lying to your family."

I crawled back up in bed next to him. "Now you know how I feel." He wrapped both his arms around me. "So how long until we can tell them?"

"Wait until we go to the doctor first." I kissed him on the cheek. "Than only family, and they have to keep it a secret for a few months." I kissed his cheek again, than leaned back and frowned. "Than I can get hate for our love even more."

He pulled my face to his and kissed me passionately. I smiled into the kiss, and so did he. "There will be no more hate like that. I will hold to what I said to you and the fans." He softly patted on my stomach. "And to our little baby."

I smiled, kissing him again. "This is why I love you so much. Because you are such a sweet boyfriend, and you are going to be a wonderful daddy too."

He smiled, kissing my cheek lingering there for a second. When he backed away, his face was serious. I was confused. "I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore." I gasped.

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