Chapter 39 Mallory

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I felt so bad for pretty much running everyone off yesterday. Everyone came back today, and I was all smiles and giggles. Well, that was until someone tried to take Anthony from my arms. He was my little Riker, and I hated when he wasn't in my arms. But, since it was Mama Stormie, I let him go after I gave him a kiss on the head. "Oh my lord, he looks just like Riker!"

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, he does." I pulled up his hat, exposing his long blonde hair. "Even his hair." She looked at me, than looked at him. A tear slid down her cheek, but she wiped it away quickly.

Mark came and sat next to her, and she held Anthony out in front of her, looking at him. "He does, he looks just like him. I still remember the first time I looked at him." The room fell quiet. Riker came to the bed, sitting next to her.

He hugged her shoulder. She looked at him. "I love you mom!" She smiled, unable to speak. "Thank you for everything. You and dad sacrificed so much when we were growing up. Hell, you moved the whole family here just because I wanted to, and I cant thank you enough for that." She started to sob and laid her head on his shoulder. Riker took Anthony from her arms and handed him back to me, than he hugged her tight.

She pulled back looking at him. "I am sorry for tearing the mood here, I just cant believe any of this. My baby now has babies of his own. It is just too unreal. It will sink in though. I love you Riker, and you will always have mine and your fathers love and support. And your siblings." She looked at me, I was starting to feel like the odd ball here. "And Amy, you have all of our love and support too. I know we have never said it, but you always knew it. From the first time we met you. You have brought a new light to the family, and you make Riker happy, and I am happy that he found someone as sweet and understanding as you. I love you sweetie, no matter what. I see it already, you are going to make an amazing mother." I was starting to cry.

I handed Anthony to Mark, who was coming to see him anyway. Riker got up and smiled at me, as Stormie scooted over toward me. "Thank you. Means a lot. I love you too Mama!"


Not long after, everyone had left except Ross and Rydel. They stuck behind. Rocky had a date, Ellington had dinner with his parents, Ryland and Erika had something going on, I forget what though. Stormie and Mark went back home just because it was getting late. Ross jumped up and went to the door, we all looked at him confused. "I am going for a walk, anyone want to join me?" I had Anthony asleep in my arms, and Rydel had Amelia laying on her chest. We laid the babies in the bassinet, and Riker pushed them to the nursery before our walk.

It sure felt good to get up and walk. I was still a little sore, but not as much as earlier. I was watching as Riker took the twins into the nursery when a younger girl came and stood next to me. "Are the twins yours?" I nodded. Riker looked at me and smiled as he carefully rubbed both their heads. "You and Riker are so cute together." I looked at her, tired and a little confused. "Oh, I'm being rude." She put her hand out for me. "Hi Amy, I am Mallory. I didn't come all the way here just to talk to you, that is my little brother." She pointed to a little baby boy in the nursery.

I smiled. "He is cute. What is his name?"

"Austin Cameron!" She smiled. Ross jerked his head up, looking at her. She smiled at him.

He walked over, resting his arm on the window trying to look cool. "Hi Mallory. I happen to know an Austin, he's pretty cool." She giggled. "Do you know him."

She blushed. "Yeah, actually I do. I kind of love the name now, that is why his name is Austin." Ross smiled, than looked at me and smiled. I rolled my eyes. What a goof.

"Well, I think that is so cute." He leaned against the window some more. I was enjoying this. "I am here to see my niece and nephew." He pointed toward them as Riker walked out. Me and Rydel were enjoying this. She grabbed Riker's arm before he could say anything.

I leaned toward Ross, and laid my arm on his shoulder, resting my chin on my arm. "Yeah, and he has yet to hold either of them." He turned around and glared at me, and tried to shrug me off of his shoulder. He failed, since he was still trying to stay in his cool position. "Hey Rossy, still wanna go for that walk?"

He looked at me, than to the girl who introduced herself as Mallory. "Would you like to join us?" She looked at me, I nodded. "We are only going for a quick walk before we head home and go to bed."

Rydel spoke up. "I am not going anywhere. You should have rode back with Rocky or Ryland or Mom and Dad if you wanted to leave. Even Ellington would have taken you home if you wanted to go." I looked at her and smiled. I knew what she was doing. "And you aren't taking my car, and I seriously doubt that Riker would leave Amy or the babies to take you home."

He was fuming by the time Rydel was finished, but Riker looked like he was about to laugh. He added to it. "Yeah, I am not going anywhere. How far can you walk before you will get tired?" Ross shrugged me off his shoulder and started walking off. We all laughed, even Mallory. I like her, she has a cool sense of humor. Riker looked at her. "It really is okay if you join us. Maybe you can get Ross cooled down. He tends to take things to heart when he is embarrassed." She nodded and we started walking after Ross.

Rydel and Mallory had picked up a conversation, while Riker and I walked in a confortable silence. His arm was wrapped around my lower back, and his other hand was holding mine. I had my head on his shoulder, taking in the bliss of the moment. If felt weird not being pregnant anymore. But, it also felt great to finally have my babies with me and to be able to hold them.

"Hey, there's Ross." I pointed. The three of them looked where I pointed. Mallory smiled and walked faster, reaching him first.

She snuck up behind him and covered his eyes. He jumped a little, but the look on his face still looked confused. "Rydel get off!" Rydel started laughing next to me, and so did Mallory. "Amy?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right! I wouldn't walk away from Riker to scare you on my best day."

A smile grew on his face when reached up, grabbing Mallory's forearm. When he pulled her arms down, he looked up at her. They smiled at each other for a few seconds. We all picked up a conversation with each other, when I noticed Ross slip his hand into Mallory's. She blushed and looked at their hands. I smiled and looked at Riker. Apparently he saw it too.

We didn't head back inside until it was getting dark. I had to feed the babies before bed. When we reached the mother/baby wing, Ross and Mallory were still holding hands. "If you want a ride home, I am leaving tonight. I could take you home, than bring you back tomorrow when I come back." Ross blushed a little and nodded. "Okay, let me just go say good night to my mom." Than she walked into a door.

I looked at Ross. "Well, your cool trick worked, didn't it? Wait until she gets to know you!" I play punched him as we walked up to the nursery and Riker walked in to get the twins. "She's nice though, I like her."

Ross looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, but you try to embarrass me again, I will make you regret it." I laughed and he gave me a hug. Mallory walked out of the room than and smiled at all of us. Ross walked over to her and grabbed her hand. "Ready to go?" She nodded. "Alright. See you guys tomorrow." He waved and was about to walk away when Riker came out with the twins. He smiled at Mallory and walked over to Riker. "Congrats bro!" Then he rubbed the babies heads softly. "Bye guys. Love you both."

Than he just walked away, not looking at either of us. I looked at Riker and he was smiling. Maybe Ross just needed a little help showing how he felt, and maybe Mallory will do that for him. Yeah, I am so on their side.

So I really hope you liked this chapter. What do you guys think about Mallory? She could really bring Ross out of his shell. ;-) Not giving anything away of course. Mallory will be represented by Lizzy_Jean4 who loved the idea of being in this story. So, surprise! Here is your Mallory!

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