Chapter 12 Family's First

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"Rocky, what are you doing here?" Riker was just as curious as I was. None of them knew where I lived, until now at least.

  Rocky almost looked hurt. "Well," he started to speak, than looked at me smiling. "you stay here so much, day and night now. I missed my big brother."

  Riker looked at him shocked. "What I mean is, how did you find me here? How did you find out where Amy lived?" Rocky turned to him and smirked. "Rocky, who else knows?"

  He looked at me, apologetically. "Well, we saw you going through town last week, and we sorta followed you." Did he seriously follow me home. "Come on, you should have known that we wouldn't figure it out sooner or later."

  I turned to Riker, with a angry look. "Riker, I'm moving." They both laugh, and I had to admit, I did a little too. I mean, what if he had showed up just a few minutes sooner?

  I stormed off to my room, plopping down on the bed, making it loud enough for the boys to hear. "Can you please go?" Riker was calmer now after laughing at my remark.

  "Dude, we just miss you, that's all." He sounded sincere. "I just don't see why you spend every second with her."

  My blood immediately started to boil. Before I could get up to literally kick Rocky out of my apartment, Riker spoke up. "GET OUT!" Wow, did he just scream at his brother.

  "Dude, what's gotten into you?" He huffs after finishing his question. Than I hear skin contact and a groan. I just up and out to the living room, checking on Riker. Rocky is holding his jaw, and giving Riker a look that could kill him.

  Riker looks at me and I lose it. I know its mean, but I break out in a laughing fit. Rocky turns to me with the meanest expression I could imagine ever. "Dude, don't talk about my girlfriend like that, EVER again." He walks over to me, wrapping both arms around my waist from behind. He kisses my cheek. "I love her, that's why I am here. I'm 22, I can come and go as I please. And its not like I'm being held here against my will."

  Rocky looked sorry by now. "I'm sorry, its just that we miss you. And you know, both of you, that Amy is more than welcome at your house." He looked at me, and almost cried. "I am sorry for what I said, I truly am. I really like you, and you have changed Riker into a man. I see that, everyone does. We all love you, but you never come see us."

  I looked shocked at him. I guess I never thought of it that way. I looked up at Riker, who apparently hasn't let Rocky's comment go. Slipping from his grip, I walk over to Rocky. "I'm sorry for hurting you, and I'm going to apologize for Riker as well, who apparently is still in shock. He speaks highly of all of you, but do you know why you guys didn't know where I lived?"

  Rocky shook his head, and I sighed and moved to the couch, patting both sides of me, signaling both boys to come sit down. When both were seated, Riker replaced his arms back where they were. I held his arms, not sure if I had the heart to tell him why they didn't know. "Rocky, its nothing personal, but I just like to be alone. I'm not a social person, never have been really. And the change my life has taken, I'm getting used to it. It isn't you, or your siblings and parents, its just that I am adjusting to the family setting."

  Rocky nodded. "At home, its only me, my mom and baby brother. So I'm not used to the attention all the time. And with Riker's help, I was finally able to start what I came here for, which takes up time too. I am not trying to pull your family apart..." I looked down at Riker's arms around me, "...maybe I should..."

  "NO! Don't even say what I think you are getting ready to say!" Riker pulled his arms lose, rotating me to face him in the same action. "I love you, don't say it."

  A tear slipped down my cheek. "Riker.." I stuttered it out. He just shook his head, about to cry. "You're family misses you, and you helping me, and loving me, is getting in the way of that."

  Rocky was in shock judging by his gasp. "Please, that is not what I meant at all." I turned around to him, tear stains on my cheek. I nodded, getting up. Riker tried to catch me, but I rotated my body to get away.

  I went into my room, locking both of them out. What did I just do? Did I just break up with Riker? I heard something break, and I would investigate when they were both gone. I heard the front door open than close quietly. Had to be Rocky. "Sweetie, please open up!"

  I started sobbing louder, I regretting letting him hear it. What I was doing was the right thing. I heard the door picked, and it opened. Damn it! Riker came next to me. "Please, I meant what I said."

  He froze. I had to make my voice stern. "Maybe my mom was right. I don't want to be responsible for pulling your family apart. You were all so strong before me, I can even see that. Thank you for everything Riker, I love you, but I can see it hurts you, and you know that I'm right deep inside."

  Tears started to pour now. "You're serious, aren't you?" I couldn't speak, so I just nodded. A few tears ran down his cheek. "Okay than, if that's what you really want." I brokenly nodded again, he saw my hesitation, but didn't question it. "Okay, if you ever need anything, you know how to get me." He spoke calmly, kissed my forehead that got up to leave.

  Stop him damn it, stop him! My heart was screaming to me. I put my head down, not wanting to see him leave. The bedroom door quietly opened than closed again. A few minutes passed, than the front door opened, and closed softly too. Than I lost all control. I curled into a ball, falling over on my side. I knew it was the right decision, but not easy by any means.

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