Chapter 17 Order

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After looking all over the house, I couldn't find Rocky. I really needed to talk to him, and now I couldn't find him. Hell, every time I am here, I don't even have to look for him before I find him. I walked out to the pool, still no Rocky. Just than Riker came down stairs. "Where is your brother? I cant find him."

  Riker just shrugged, and pulled out his phone. He started typing. A few seconds later, Rocky came down the stairs. I guess I forgot to look in his room. Oops. "There he is!" Riker laughed and went into the kitchen. I laughed as he walked by. Rocky made his way to the couch, and I went and sat next to him.

  It was silent for a few seconds. I didn't like this much. "Rocky, I am sorry for what happened at my apartment. I was wrong to say that to you, and your brother."

  He shook his head. "No, it was wrong of me to follow you to figure out where you lived at. I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry!" When I started to say something back, he put his hand up in objection. "And I am sorry for being so arrogant with you. It wasn't right, especially in your home." Than he grinned at me. "But here on the other hand, you're all mine!"

  When I started to laugh, he joined in. I wrapped him in a big hug. "Oh Rocky, it's good to be back!"

  "Yeah, totally! It sure was quiet. I mean, between you being gone and Riker going into a depression."

  I was reminded again what my actions did to not only Riker, but his family as well. "Rocky, can you answer a question honestly for me?"

  "Yeah, shoot!" He leaned back on the couch, throwing one arm over the back of the couch, and the other hand on his chin. I couldn't help but chuckle a little! Than he sat back up from his goofy casual position when he chuckled as well.

  I looked at him serious again. "Was it really that bad?" I looked at him, when he didn't answer my question, I rephrased it. "Did he really lock himself up when he wasn't working?"

  "Well," he started. "Technically, that is two questions. But since I'm in a good mood, I'll answer both." We both laughed again. Than he looked at me serious, watching my face for some reason. "Yeah, he was pretty bad. He couldn't write, play or record."

  Wow, I didn't realize it was that bad. "And when we were at home, he never came to our studio, he just stayed in his room. You could hear him try to play, but he just couldn't get it right. That is actually why we were at the label when you came in, because they needed to have a few words in on Riker's behavior." The memory of that day came back to me. Maybe that is why Ross looked so sad.

  "Okay. Thanks Rocky! I appreciate you telling me." I got up, but than turned around as he was getting up. "And for the fact, I really missed all of you." I hugged him tight, glad to be back. "I know I have been keeping Riker away, and I promise not to do it anymore." I pulled from the hug, and looked up at him. "And you and your family is welcome at my place, with invite next time though, okay?"

  He nodded, and walked into the kitchen. I watched him walk off, than went upstairs to Riker. When I opened the door, he was sitting on the bed with a notebook. I walked over to him after closing the door. I tossed the notebook across the room. "Hey, I was writing!" He whined, sticking his bottom lip out in a pout.

  "I don't care!" I straddled him, and pinned his shoulders to the wall. "If you ever treat your self like that again just because I am not around, I will kill you, understood?"

  He laughed at my attempt to be serious. "Yes, Dear!" He leaned up, pressing his lips softly to mine, waiting a second before actually kissing me. His hands were on my hips, and in a matter of a second, I was on my back. Than I was the one pinned. "And...if you ever try to act like you are in charge here again, I am going to have to show you how much that it actually turns me on!" Than his lips were on mine again. We kissed with passion. His elbows were on either side of my head, and he was leaned down not removing his lips from mine.

  "Hey Riker, we..." Riker groaned, and my eyes were still closed, so I couldn't see his reaction when I heard Ross' voice barge into the room. When I was finally forcing myself to open my eyes, Riker was still facing me, with a look that would kill. Before Ross could say anything else, Riker had his lips on mine again, the smile coming back to his face.

  When he finally pulled away, he leaned his forehead on mine. I opened my eyes back up, seeing his beautiful face, with his beautiful smile and beautiful hazel eyes stating into mine. "I love you Amy!"

  "I love you too Riker!" I pecked his lips before flipping him over. He had a look of shock on his face. I was getting ready to get off of the bed when his strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me backwards, landing on his chest. I started laughing, which turned into both of us breaking out into a laughing fit.

  Only one thought crossed my mind here, and I let it slip through my lips. "Yep, everything is perfect again!" I heard Riker sigh, than he kissed my neck, just below my ear.

I was able to finish this! YAY! And I am going to go ahead and post it now, even though it is almost 4 am, because I am not sure being up all night if I am going to be able to be on tomorrow. I may end up sleeping all day. LOL! I may actually get what you said Lizzy_Jean4 Hopefully I can make up for it tomorrow and sleep than!

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