Chapter 33 Names

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1 months later

  Well, here were are a month down the road. Things are going...good. Me and Riker, great. My attitude and sleeping habits, not so much. I keep Riker up a lot. There was no hiding the pregnancy now even if I wanted to. I mean, really? This is only 4 1/2 months through, I still have another 3 1/2 months left.

  I was up one night, unable to sleep. I walked down stairs into the living room, hoping the television would put me to sleep. I would have turned the one on in the room, but Riker was asleep. I flipped through the channels until I found nothing. I just stopped, leaving it on. I started rubbing my stomach. "Come on guys, Mommy has to sleep." Yeah, I was excited to have these two already. I haven't slept in almost 2 days, and Riker caught on yesterday how tired I was. That was one night without sleep, now we were working on two, me and these little ones.

  Since I was awake anyway, I started playing with baby names. Me and Riker had come up with an agreement. I get to name the boy, with out question from him. He is naming the girl, but I am not aloud to argue what he picks. That's okay, because little does he know, I already have a name picked out. Well, the first name anyway.

  I started rubbing my stomach again. "Anthony, I really wish you and your sister would settle down."

  "Anthony? Really?" I jumped up, and Riker was smiling at me. His hair was a mess, and his tired cooked smile gave me butterflies. I rolled my eyes, sitting back down on the couch. "Why aren't you in bed?" He walked over, sitting next to me.

  I came him an 'are you stupid' look, and he smiled at me. "I cant sleep. Someone, well two someones, think that 3 am is the time for cart wheels. Yeah. So I came down here, but nothing is on TV. Than I was talking to them and than you scared the shit out of me." I smiled when I finished. He looked at me, surprised that I got all of that in one breathe. I laughed at his expression. "Daddy thinks he's funny." I started rubbing my stomach again.

  "You know, I can live with Anthony, on one condition." He smiled at me.

  I shook my head. "There are no exceptions. That wasn't our deal. He gets his daddy's name, I don't care what you say."

  He nodded. "Ok, well than..." He leaned over kissing my stomach. "Anthony, can you tell your sister we have picked out her name." He was quiet for a minute. "Oh, she wants to know. Okay, where is my beautiful baby Amelia at?" I laughed. I liked it, although I couldn't let him see that though. He looked at my face, than back down at my stomach. "Anthony, Amelia, can you please let mommy sleep?"

  He sat back up, my eyes were falling shut. Just as I was about to fall asleep, they sprung back open. That's it, I got another job for Riker. I got up. "Follow me!" I said without even looking back. I turned off the television as I walked by. I got upstairs and got comfortable as I could get in the bed as Riker walked in. He climbed in beside me, looking into my eyes. "I got a job for you!"

  He looked at curiously. "What do you need babe?"

  "Earlier when you talked to the babies, they calmed down. I was almost asleep, but right before I could actually slip off, they were right back at it again." He smiled at the first part, than frowned. I placed my hand on his cheek. "I hate to ask you to, since it is so late, but can you please talk to them until I fall asleep?" His smile returned.

  He leaned in, kissing me softly. "I would do anything for you babe, please never hate to ask for anything, got it?" I smiled and nodded. He kissed my cheek. I was very tired. "Good night love! Sweet dreams!" He kissed my cheek one more time before I faintly, as if miles away, heard him say good night to the babies, than he started to sing to them. I smiled just before falling into unconsciousness. Right before I was completely out, the singing got closer. I felt Riker kiss my cheek again, than the singing got distant again, back toward my stomach again. I to sleep...aaagaaiiinnnn!


  When I woke up the next morning, the top of my head was pressed into Riker's chest. His slow steady breathing told me he was asleep. Well, last night so happened. He actually put the babies to sleep. I pulled my head out slowly and laid it on arm that was under my head. Admiringly, I watched as Riker softly slept. It was amazing to watch, his lips were up in a smile, his eyes softly fluttering under his eye lids, and the best part his lips would be on mine when he woke up.

  The little ones started to get feisty, I have a feeling they were ready for breakfast. I silently laugh and started to rub my stomach I started to whisper to them. "My babies. Anthony. Amelia. You know, both those start with an 'A' just like mommy. Maybe, and that is if daddy will go for it, we can find you both a middle name that starts with 'R' like daddy's name. Hey, that would be cute."

  "I think that is adorable." I looked up and Riker was watching me. "I like that idea, a lot." He wrapped arm around me, pulled me as close as he possibly could. He laid his head against mine, and his sleepy eyes beamed right into mine. "You know, I fall in love with you all over again every morning. You are amazing." Before I had the chance to say anything, his lips softly pressed against mine. I smiled and pulled both my arms through his, wrapping them around his neck.

  He rolled over hovering me. Even though I could tell the position was a little uncomfortable on him, he never stopped kissing. Just like every morning, he pulled apart from my lips, smiling, and leaned back sitting on his knees. I turned my head into a position to see him. I loved it when he did this. He laid one large lingering kiss on one side of my stomach and repeated it on the other. He was so lucky, he could actually kiss them already, I had to wait another at least 3 1/2 months.

  I leaned back and did some thinking. Dr. Michelle had told us that typically twins don't go full term, will usually go to around 35 weeks instead of 40. I smiled at the thought. That means that in just over 3 months I could finally hold my beautiful babies. I played around with names some more in my head. Just as I noticed Riker moving next to me, one popped into my mind, and I loved it. "Reagan." Riker was closing the distance now to being completely next to me. I looked at him. "Anthony Reagan Lynch."

  He thought for a second, than smiled. "I love it. Its cute." He kissed me passionately. "So, I guess we are sticking to the ARL initials, huh?"

  I shrugged. "Well, I am. You don't have to. I just want Anthony to have a name that tags him in the family, like how you guys were." Riker smiled. "Plus, I just really love the name Anthony." He chuckled and kissed me again. This time his hand was on the back of my head.

  His smile had grown on his face. "Well while I was saying good morning to them, apparently we were thinking about the same things. I may, or may not have, picked out an 'R' middle name as well."

  He really had my attention now. I wrapped my arm around his torso. "Will you tell me?" I smiled sweetly at him, like a 5 year old who wants a new toy at Walmart.

  He sighed like he was thinking, staring at the ceiling. Than he looked back into my eyes, and his hazel eyes were glowing. It was so beautiful. "Well, I still like the 'Amelia' I told you about last night, it sounds like Amy" He kissed the tip of my nose, and I smiled wider than my face could manage to hold for more than a few seconds without starting to hurt. When he laid his head back on the pillow, he smiled at me. I swear, the look on his face was pure happiness. I must really like his combination, like I love mine. "And while I was telling them good morning, I nearly said it, glad I stopped myself." He smiled wider. I really wish he would say it right now and stop beating around the bush. "What about, Amelia Rachel, Amelia Rachel Lynch?"

  I loved it from that first time. I nodded. "I love that. It is so cute. Perfect for Daddy's Little Girl!"

  He smiled a full teeth smile and kissed me like he did when we found out we were having twins in the exam room and when we found out we were having a boy and a girl when we got out to the car. When he stopped, he looked into my eyes, his forehead on mine. "God, I can't wait Amy." A tear trickled down his cheek. I don't think he even knew about it until it was rolling down his cheek. I softly wiped it away with the top of my index finger. I leaned in, kissing him in return.

 I pulled back to look into his eyes. "Me either Riker. We will be our own happy family. Daddy, Mommy, baby girl Amelia Rachel and baby boy Anthony Reagan."

  Riker smiled at me. "I really love the sound of that." We shared a passionate slow kiss. "Than, we can finally start planning on making you Amy Lynch." This time is was my turn to smile at something he said. I definitely couldn't wait for that.

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