Chapter 15 Mending

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Many weeks have passed since I broke up with Riker. My heart still cries out for him, every night. The spot he had in it, its still there, I can feel it, but it also feels hollow. I was at the studio working on writing with Sam, my assistant writer, when I saw him. He didn't see me, but he looked sad. What if I really screwed up. I knew what I had to do.

  "Hey Sam, can we put this song on hold, I want to do something different." He looked at me confused.

  "Okay, but we are almost done?" he questioned me, looking for a reason.

  I frowned, he was right, but I needed to do this before it was too late. "Please Sam? I made a mistake, and I need to fix it, now!"

  He nodded, and set it to the side, pulling out a fresh sheet of sheet paper. "Okay, what about?" I looked back at Riker while he put the incomplete piece into his business folder and frowned.


  The song wasn't hard to write, given it was such a strong feeling at the moment. We were able to write, proof it and record it by 10 that night. I sighed, knowing this might make Riker realize how sorry I am. After requesting a demo disk, I walked out feeling proud.

  I remembered right where the Lunch's lived. I pulled up, than suddenly felt saddened. What if this doesn't work? All the cars were gone accept for Stormie's, so I got out and walked to the door. A few seconds after knocking she came to the door. When she saw me, she immediately motioned me to back up. She stepped out, closing the door. She was quiet for a few seconds, listening.

  She turned back to me, tears in her eyes. "Hey sweetie, where have you been?" She engulfed me in a hug, and I hugged back. By the time she pulled away, I was in tears. I didn't want to hurt her, but apparently I did. Or was she hurt because I hurt Riker.

  I cleared my throat pulling the demo out of my back pocket. "Can you please give this to him for me?" A few more tears slipped. She shook her head. "Please? I need him to know that I am sorry for what I said. That I regretted it immediately after I heard him walk out."

  "Sweetie, I think you need to. He is locked in his room and wont come out."

  "He's here?" Fear took over.

  She frowned. "He only leaves to go to a show, and to record, but than he's still sad. Rocky feels really bad too."

  "Wow, I didn't fix the family, I did damage, didn't I?" She didn't answer. "I'm really sorry Stormie."

  "You can fix it. We all miss you." I started to sob, she only met me once. She was such a sweet lady, and I hate that I did this to her and her family.

  I knew I had to have him back, for her, her family and myself. "Can I see him?"

  "Yeah, follow me!" She opens the door walking into the house. "It's only me and Riker home, so nobody will bother you." She whispered, so Riker wouldn't hear I was here yet. She crept up the stairs, me following doing the same. She pointed to a door, with a big bass poster on the door. I smiled at the poster for a second, than mouthed "Thank you" to her, giving her another hug.

  "Good luck," she whispered in my ear. I nodded, and walked toward the door. There was a small note in the case, so I slid the disk and all under the door. There was no movement at all, so I leaned against the wall, not ready to face him until he heard the song.

  A long time passed, and I laid my head against the wall slowly and silently. Riker really did lock himself up, didn't he? Stormie wouldn't come up, she was giving us space. A few minutes later I was dosing off, and my heart was too broken to fight it. Ill just close my eyes and listen...


  I was being lifted, but too heartbroken and tired to fight it. I just collapsed against the chest that was carrying me, given into it. Giving into the acceptance that I lost Riker. I wanted to cry, to release the sadness, but I just didn't have the energy. These last weeks were running on coffee due to sleepless nights. Coffee eventually wore off.

  Next thing I notice, is I'm being laid on something soft, like a bed or couch. Wait, shouldn't I be scared? I didn't have the energy to be scared. I had to get together the energy to take in my surroundings at least. My eyes slowly opened, and I see a blue and white bass in the corner of the room. I smile, forcing myself to roll over. There I see Riker, slipping into a pair of flannel bottoms. "Riker?"

He abruptly turns around, taking in my tired figure and smiled heartedly at me. He comes over to the bed, laying down, pulling the covers over both of us. He scoots in closer to me, pulling me as close to him, tangling limbs, as was humanly possible. He kisses the top of my head, lingering for a minute. I feel him smile, and I find the energy to turn my head to face him. His smile grows. "I'm sorry.." I say too tired to finish.

  "Don't worry about it." Wow, I really missed the sound of his voice. He looked like he hadn't slept either. "Just come here." He pulls my face toward his, leaning down himself. Our lips meet, and finding the energy to kiss back was effortless. I roll over onto my side, and he does the same. The kiss is full of passion, and I could tell he missed me as much as I missed him. I don't think we stopped kissing at all.

  Next thing I know, he is asleep next to me, and I am watching him. "I love you!" I look at his face again, and he is looking down at me, smiling widely.

  It was really cute. I chuckled a little. "I love you too, and I am never letting you go again!" His smile grew, and he kissed me on the tip of my nose, making me chuckle.

  "Get some sleep, talk tomorrow. And by the way, don't plan on leaving my sight tomorrow." He kissed my lips softly again.

  I pulled back letting out a yawn. "Wasn't planning on it."

  "Good night beautiful."

  "Good night Rikey."

  I was off to dream land, although I didn't want to. I wanted to just stare at him all night. He starts humming "Smile" and I do what the song tells me to. Minutes later, before he finishes the song, I am off in the most peaceful sleep I have had in a long time. For the first time in many nights, I fall asleep with a smile on my face, and it is all because of Riker Anthony Lynch.


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