Chapter 38 Anthony & Amelia

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  Everything was going one hundred miles an hour. Every voice, every sound and even every motion. I blocked it all out, except one voice. Riker, leaning into my ear, softly whispering encouragingly. Our baby boy was already here, and through the blocking out, I could still hear him crying. Maybe that and Riker is what pushed me just a little bit further. My body was ready to quit. I was tired, and didn't have any more energy left.

  Every time I would shake my head and fall back, Riker would pull me back up again. Inside, deep inside, I wanted to hurt him badly. But, I simply just took it out on his hands. He had one arm behind my head, and my left hand was up holding his. His right arm rested beside me. Both of his arms would tense with every squeeze I put on his hands.

  With one last scream, I dropped my head back again. When I heard her cry, I opened my eyes. Riker was looking down at me, with the silliest grin ever plastered on his face. Before I could say anything, he leaned down, kissing my lips softly. When I pulled away, I laid my head on his shoulder. Now, I was very tired.

  I felt something being set in my arm, and when I opened my eyes, I saw my baby boy. God, he looked exactly like Riker. I kissed his head softly while he silently stirred a little. "Hi baby Anthony!" Riker smiled and kissed my head, than kissed his. Than they brought him Amelia. "And baby girl Amelia!" He smiled and laid them down side by side. I looked at Riker, and he smiled at me. I smiled back, truly feeling blessed at that moment. "I love you Riker."

  He leaned toward me, careful not to put any weight on the twins. He kissed me softly, than very passionately. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on mine. "I love you too, so much!" He softly kissed Amelia's head. "I love you Amelia." Than he kissed the top of Anthony's head too. "And I love you too Anthony." I was in aww over the smile on his face. It truly made my heart melt.

  Just than his phone vibrated. He chucked and showed me the screen. It was a text from Rydel. We just saw the doctor come out, and you haven't gotten to us. Is everything okay? When do I get to meet my niece and nephew?

  I chuckled, and he replied back to her. When she replied back, I ask him what she said, and what he replied. He had replied with: Give us a few minutes. Yeah, everyone is fine. I will come get you when you can come in.

  She had replied to his message with: Jeez. We are dying out here. Let us know, just hurry up.

  I took the phone from Riker, a little pissed when I read her message. I started to reply back to her. Well Ry, try doing what I just did, and you will want to rest a few minutes before it gets loud again. Right now me and Riker are enjoying our first family moment. He will come get you when we are ready.

  But just before I hit send, Riker took it and read it. He shook his head and deleted the text. I would have to thank him later for that, but right now, I was a little pissed. I just draped my arm back around the babies again. Anthony had fallen asleep, and Amelia was looking at me. They both had Riker's eyes, but Anthony was a spitting image of him. I watched as Amelia slowly fell asleep. I was really tired, and my eye lids slowly fell shut.

  Riker had went out to get his family, which were now texting every 30 seconds now, with all of them involved in it, not just Rydel anymore. My eyes fell shut and the last thing I saw was my two beautiful babies laying in my arms.

  I vaguely came to when I heard voices, but I was too tired to talk or open my eyes. "I wont wake her up, I just really want to see the babies. I know she is tired, and I promise I wont bother her."

  "Honey, please listen to Riker." Mama Stormie, I love her soft voice. "We can come back. Amy looks really tired, and we don't want to wake her up." There was a pause. "Ask your dad, or even Riker, I remember how she feels right now. She needs rest."

  I felt really bad. I made a quiet grunt so I didn't wake up the twins along with me getting up. Riker was in my ear. "Hey sweetheart. Did we wake you up?" I shook my head. "The family is here, but if you want to rest, I can ask them to leave." I slowly forced my eyes open.

  They wouldn't even open all the way. "No, its fine. Besides, I can still sleep. I...cant...hold my...eyes op..." I lost my voice, and was falling into a sleep. He softly lifted both the babies from me, and I rolled over, moving a little bit. I felt his lips softly press against my temple. Than, I lost all feelings of consciousness. I smiled into my sleep, thinking about my babies and my soon to be husband. We were officially a family.

SORRY ITS SHORTER THAN THE OTHERS, I JUST REAL WANTED TO LEAVE IT HERE. I REALLY HOPE THAT YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER. BUT YAY, ANTHONY REAGAN AND AMELIA RACHEL ARE FINALLY HERE! I AM SO HAPPY! Another thing, I am so doing this now. To get the next chapter, I will have to see at least 10 views and at least 5 votes and 2 comments! I think this story has gotten good enough to start this, and I am looking to spread this story out more.

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